House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Statements by Members


1:30 pm

Photo of Julian LeeserJulian Leeser (Berowra, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I rise to call on this House to acknowledge the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding right now in Bangladesh. As I speak, Bangladeshi Hindus are being subjected to increasingly violent persecution. It is sadly not a new occurrence, though it is one that has increased in severity and frequency in recent days. The rule of law and the maintenance of social order in parts of Bangladesh are breaking down, and we are seeing the most terrible outcomes. Hindu neighbourhoods have been targeted, with households, temples and workplaces being attacked by large violent mobs. Families have had to flee their homes amid beatings. Looting and arson attacks are rife, with reports that Hindus are being killed in these attacks.

In Bangladesh, there is a lack of respect for people from different faith traditions as well as people who hold different political views. Bangladesh has been sadly noted for its corruption for many years. Political persecution, including the jailing of opposition politicians, has become all too common. I've previously spoken in this place about the plight of Bangladeshi Hindus in Bangladesh. I've put on the record many times my concerns for the persecution of a range of religious minority groups around the world. The plight of Bangladeshi Hindus cannot be ignored. I call on the government of Bangladesh to uphold the principles of democracy and the rule of law to ensure the safety and security of all its citizens, whatever their religion or whatever their political affiliation may be. The world is watching.