House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

  • Bangladesh (1 speech)
    I rise to call on this House to acknowledge the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding right now in Bangladesh. As I speak, Bangladeshi Hindus are being subjected to increasingly violent persecution....
  • Bendigo Electorate: Swift Parrots (1 speech)
    During the winter break, we had some very special visitors to my electorate of Bendigo. We had some visitors from Tasmania. A colony of the swift parrot actually visited my electorate. It's...
  • New England Electorate: Renewable Energy (1 speech)
    I would just like to note that in my electorate wind towers and wind factories kill swift parrots, so, if you want to protect the swift parrots, be very careful of swindle factories. In my...
  • Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games, Bull, Mr Allen (1 speech)
    Australia enjoyed wonderful success at the recent Paris Olympics. Our athletes' efforts were nothing short of outstanding. Success, of course, is not by accident and does not come overnight. On...
  • Hinkler Electorate: Roads (1 speech)
    Well, the missing link has been found. You can stop looking. Not only has it been found; it's been delivered. The Boundary Road extension, the missing link in Hervey Bay, has finally been...
  • Wages (1 speech)
    Earlier today, the ABS released the June 2024 quarterly data for the wage price index. This is the best overall measure of wages growth in the economy. The data showed that the WPI rose 0.8 per...
  • Mackellar Electorate: German International School Sydney, Climate Change (1 speech)
    I recently had the pleasure of visiting the German International School Sydney in Terrey Hills. The year 3 and 4 students were keen to read and present their letters to me about climate change....
  • Dunkley Electorate: Victoria State Emergency Service (1 speech)
    Last Monday, I visited the Frankston SES unit. I met with the current and past controllers and 60 volunteers. I thanked the volunteers for their exceptional dedication and work ensuring the...
  • Cycling Without Age Australia (1 speech)
    Well before the COVID pandemic, our nation was already experiencing an epidemic of loneliness. While it impacts all ages, it's most evident amongst our older Australians, particularly those in a...
  • Pearce Electorate: Artificial Intelligence (1 speech)
    I am excited to share some fantastic news about a groundbreaking initiative that will transform education in my home state of Western Australia. The Albanese Labor government and the Western...
  • Capricornia Electorate: Health Care (1 speech)
    Capricornia is in the midst of a health catastrophe. Under this government's neglect, emergency department wait times have surged across all categories, pushing our hospitals to the brink....
  • Solomon Electorate: Palmerston Young Writers Festival (1 speech)
    The eighth annual Palmerston Young Writers Festival was the biggest one yet, with 494 entries from young Territorians in years 2 through to 6. I was proud to again be one of the sponsors. We have...
  • Curtin Youth Advisory Group (1 speech)
    My youth advisory group is made up of year 11 students from across Curtin, and each student presented a 90-second statement on an issue they cared about. The standard was high and the issues were...
  • Lewis, Sara, Nurses (1 speech)
    I rise to acknowledge a brilliant nurse, Sara Lewis, who has been named a 2024 finalist for Aboriginal Nurse/Midwife of the Year in NSW Health's Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery Awards 2024....
  • Rodgers, Mr Calvin (1 speech)
    I rise to congratulate Harvey Bowling Club legend Calvin Rodgers, who recently won two medals at the Australian Blind Bowlers Association National Championships. Calvin is a legend. He had a...
  • Employment (1 speech)
    There's nothing I love more than hearing about young kids in the Hunter smashing their goals. I want to share the story of one incredible young person in my electorate, Tama. Tama once described...
  • Cost of Living (1 speech)
    This Labor government has created a cost-of-living crisis. What kind of fantasy land is the Labor government living in when they are boasting about a $300 energy subsidy? I mean, the gall of it....
  • Renewable Energy: Protests (1 speech)
    On Sunday, a group of people boarded the grand 100-year-old vessel, the Wangi Queen showboat, in support of our terrific Labor candidate for Port Stephens mayor, Leah Anderson. There were elderly...
  • Minister for Skills and Training (1 speech)
    'Immigration visa bungler Giles strikes again'—you can't miss the front page of the Australian today. Today we have fresh revelations about the incompetence of the member for Scullin. We...
  • Wages (2 speeches)
    It's not hard to see the chasm between the Liberal opposition and the Albanese government, especially in wages policy. We see the true difference between the major parties, and it underscores the...