House debates

Monday, 9 September 2024

  • Small Business (1 speech)
    Today I rise to speak on an issue that hits close to home for many of us Gold Coasters, one that affects the very fabric of our communities and our economy—that is, small business. Small...
  • Health Care (1 speech)
    I rise today speak to a matter that touches each of us deeply—the health and wellbeing of our electorates, which resonates for me in my community of Pearce. As we all know, good health is...
  • Dandelion Support Network, Project Youth, Phoenix Community Project (1 speech)
    The cost-of-living crisis is hurting the community of Cook. I'd like to highlight three organisations that are bringing light to people's lives in these trying times. First, the Dandelion Support...
  • Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence, World Suicide Prevention Day, Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide (1 speech)
    Australia has a deep-seated problem with domestic violence. Forty-seven women have been killed as a result of gender based violence in Australia this year, according to reporting from Destroy the...
  • News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code (1 speech)
    I want to talk about the media bargaining code. When in government, the coalition put in place the news media bargaining code, and what this did was say, 'If you are a social media company and...
  • Environment: Tyres (1 speech)
    I wish to raise an issue which has serious environmental and economic impacts on our nation: tyres or, more importantly, the importation of second-hand tyres, the importation of blemished and old...