House debates

Monday, 9 September 2024

  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Petitions Committee; Report (1 speech)
      I present the 31st report of the Petitions Committee for the 47th Parliament. The report read as follows— HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PETITIONS COMMITTEE REPORT No. 31 Ministerial Responses 9...
  • Petitions (0 speeches)
    • Responses (1 speech)
      I present the following 11 ministerial responses to petitions previously presented:
    • Statements (1 speech)
      There are no petitions in today's report because there are no paper petitions for me to present, and e-petitions certified after the winter sitting break are still open for signature. However,...
  • Private Members' Business (0 speeches)
    • Political Debate (7 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) acknowledges that the tenor of political debate undertaken within this place has deteriorated from the standards expected by the Australian people; (2) recognises...
    • Affirmative Action (14 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) acknowledges that: (a) 26 September 2024 marks 30 years since the Australian Labor Party adopted affirmative action quotas for female candidates in held and winnable...
    • Economy (16 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) notes that productivity growth is a key contributor to increases in Australia's economic welfare and prosperity; (2) acknowledges that: (a) according to the June 2024...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Statements by Members (0 speeches)
    • Dorey, Mr Brian, OAM (1 speech)
      Last month the Capricorn Coast lost a true legend, Brian Dorey OAM, a man dedicated to the service of his community. He leaves a lasting legacy that will be felt for decades to come. Brian served...
    • Women in Parliament (1 speech)
      26 September 2024 marks 30 years since the ALP adopted affirmative action quotas for women to be preselected as candidates in held and winnable seats. Today, half of the ALP members in...
    • Housing (1 speech)
      In his budget-in-reply speech, the Leader of the Opposition, Peter Dutton, recommitted to assisting first home buyers access their superannuation through the super homebuyer scheme. The super...
    • Women in Parliament (1 speech)
      It is an honour to stand here as the first woman to represent the division of Holt. This moment is possible because, 30 years ago, the Australian Labor Party made the courageous decision to...
    • Ageing Well Seminar: Death, Dying and Grief (1 speech)
      One of the most rewarding working groups established in the time that I've been the Independent member for North Sydney has been the Ageing Well group. This talented collection of individuals...
    • Women in Parliament (1 speech)
      This year, 26 September marks 30 years since the Labor Party adopted affirmative action quotas for women. Over 50 per cent of all Labor members of parliament across this nation are women. This...
    • Housing (1 speech)
      How many lives have to be destroyed before Labor takes real action on the housing crisis? To give you one example: a single mum in Brisbane— Maybe you could listen to this and realise the...
    • Women in Parliament (1 speech)
      I rise to acknowledge it's been 30 years since the Labor Party adopted affirmative action and set quotas for women in parliament. It worked. At the time, when we had the debates in Labor, it was...
    • Davis, Mr Ray (1 speech)
      I want to acknowledge the passing of a remarkable Australian, Ray Davis—father, grandfather, husband, veteran and volunteer. I met Ray in his role as a member of the RSL sub-branch in...
    • Women In Parliament (1 speech)
      This month we mark 30 years since Labor introduced affirmative action and quotas to get more women into government. Let me say: quotas work. As a result of Labor introducing quotas, our caucus is...
    • Herbert Electorate: Crime (1 speech)
      Last night, tonight, tomorrow night and every other night, someone's home will be broken into in Townsville. People will feel like prisoners in their own home. They'll feel unsafe. Just last...
    • Women In Parliament (1 speech)
      The Australian Labor Party took action 30 years ago to affirm the rights, the abilities and the potentials of all human beings in Australia. Back then, in 1994, decisions were often made without...
    • Cost of Living (1 speech)
      In the last week of August I set out on my seventh Tour de Fisher, cycling across my electorate to host 23 listening posts in 23 towns over five days. The overwhelming feedback from locals was...
    • Women in Parliament (1 speech)
      Step over the glass, sisters, because the ceiling has been broken. The Albanese Labor government is the first Australian majority women government ever—full stop, period. Was this an...
    • Saffy, Mr Alex Anthony (1 speech)
      I want to congratulate Alex Saffy, who won a bronze medal in the men's 100-metre butterfly S10 final at the Paris Paralympic Games. Known as the Bunbury Bullet, Alex comes from our south-west in...
    • Women in Parliament (1 speech)
      Today we celebrate a monumental milestone in the history of the Labor Party: 30 years of affirmative action. This policy has transformed our party and reshaped Australian politics for the better,...
    • Labor Government: Agriculture Industry (1 speech)
      I refer to the Canberra Times article that at the time said: 'July 1, 1985, is likely to be remembered as the day when Australia's rural community re-emerged as a crucial political force.' The...
    • Labor Government: Affirmative Action (1 speech)
      In terms of tests of resolve, I'll tell you what we're celebrating today: 30 years of affirmative action. Now that's a test of resolve, from the oldest party in the country—diversity,...
    • Albanese Government: Heavy Industry (2 speeches)
      There is no cheering on the streets of Western Sydney about this government's high energy prices. There's certainly no cheering on the factory floors, because—newsflash—heavy industry...
  • Ministry (0 speeches)
    • Temporary Arrangements (1 speech)
      I inform the House that the Minister for Early Childhood Education and Minister for Youth will be absent from question time today and the Minister for Education will answer questions on her behalf.
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Economy (18 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. Can the Treasurer confirm that Australia has been in a household recession for the past six quarters and that this is the longest straight run of falling per...
    • Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide (3 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Today, the report from the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide was handed down. Why was this royal commission so important?
    • Wages (16 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. Can the Treasurer confirm that since the Albanese government was elected Australian families have suffered a bigger fall in real disposable income per person than...
    • Cost of Living (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. How is the Albanese Labor government delivering cost-of-living relief to Australians? What economic approaches has the government ruled out?
    • Census (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Prime Minister, why did you make a captain's call to not include LGBTIQA+ people in the census? Do you think the pain caused by this decision underscores the...
    • Economy (12 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. How is the Albanese Labor government's responsible economic management right for the conditions that we confront, and what approaches have been rejected?
    • Schools (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Education. What is the Albanese Labor government doing to properly fund public schools and tie that funding to reforms that will help children catch up, keep up...
    • Albanese Government: Cost of Living (4 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Despite Labor's pre-election promises, under this government, living standards have fallen by nearly nine per cent. The household savings rate is down 10...
    • Aukus (5 speeches)
      My question is to the Deputy Prime Minister. How is the Albanese Labor government preparing a capable, AUKUS-ready workforce in the west, and how does this differ to other plans?
    • Economy (6 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. Last week's national accounts revealed the true impact of Labor's economic failures. KPMG Chief Economist Dr Brendan Rynne says the government 'has its foot on...
    • Future Made in Australia (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Industry and Science. How is the Albanese Labor government backing Australian businesses to secure a future made in Australia, and what approaches has the...
    • Small Business: Taxation (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. With our economy recently recording the weakest annual financial year growth in years, small to medium sized family owned businesses are struggling. Yet these...
    • Resources Industry (4 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Resources and the Minister for Northern Australia. How is the Albanese Labor government supporting a strong resource sector to drive a future made in Australia...
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Mining Industry: McPhillamys Gold Project (18 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for the Environment and Water. Regis Resources has confirmed the Blayney gold mine is no longer viable following the minister's decision to block a critical part of...
    • Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Social Services. How will the outcomes of last week's National Cabinet on gender based violence deliver on the priorities in the National Plan to End Violence...
    • Defence Properties (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Defence. The Woodside Barracks, established in 1927, is historically, militarily and economically important for my Mayo community. The base also hosts over 100...
    • Domestic and Family Violence (13 speeches)
      My question is to the Attorney-General. How will the measures announced last Friday help end the crisis in legal assistance in this country and enable more women to get the help they need to...
    • Treasurer (7 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. Why does the Treasurer blame everyone and everything for his failings—the former government, COVID, war in Ukraine, global economy, financial instability...
    • Aviation Industry (3 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government. How is the Albanese Labor government reforming the aviation sector to deliver better...
  • Documents (0 speeches)
    • Australian National Audit Office; Presentation (1 speech)
      I present the annual report of the Australian National Audit Office for 2023-24. Document made a parliamentary paper.
    • Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide; Presentation (2 speeches)
      I present the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide final report, volumes 1 to 7. In doing so, I say that the Albanese government welcomes this report. As the Prime Minister said...
    • Presentation (1 speech)
      Documents are tabled in accordance with the list circulated to honourable members earlier today. Full details of the documents will be recorded in the Votes and Proceedings.
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Adjournment (0 speeches)
    • Small Business (1 speech)
      Today I rise to speak on an issue that hits close to home for many of us Gold Coasters, one that affects the very fabric of our communities and our economy—that is, small business. Small...
    • Health Care (1 speech)
      I rise today speak to a matter that touches each of us deeply—the health and wellbeing of our electorates, which resonates for me in my community of Pearce. As we all know, good health is...
    • Dandelion Support Network, Project Youth, Phoenix Community Project (1 speech)
      The cost-of-living crisis is hurting the community of Cook. I'd like to highlight three organisations that are bringing light to people's lives in these trying times. First, the Dandelion Support...
    • Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence, World Suicide Prevention Day, Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide (1 speech)
      Australia has a deep-seated problem with domestic violence. Forty-seven women have been killed as a result of gender based violence in Australia this year, according to reporting from Destroy the...
    • News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code (1 speech)
      I want to talk about the media bargaining code. When in government, the coalition put in place the news media bargaining code, and what this did was say, 'If you are a social media company and...
    • Environment: Tyres (1 speech)
      I wish to raise an issue which has serious environmental and economic impacts on our nation: tyres or, more importantly, the importation of second-hand tyres, the importation of blemished and old...
  • Constituency Statements (0 speeches)
    • Cybersafety (1 speech)
      In a world where access to information is right at our fingertips, the debate about the role that social media plays in increasing the rate of youth mental health distress is one that elicits...
    • Calwell Electorate: Bean and Brite Cafe (1 speech)
      In Broadmeadows we love our coffee and we love giving support to young people and to people with disabilities to gain skills and experience for employment and for life. That's why I'm delighted...
    • Banks Electorate: Community Events (1 speech)
      On 29 August I attended the Moon Festival celebration for the CASS seniors group in Hurstville. As it is every year, it was a fantastic event with people coming together to celebrate the very...
    • Gellibrand Electorate: Welcoming the Babies, Albanese Government (1 speech)
      There are more mums in Point Cook, in my electorate, than in any other suburb in Australia. It was the perfect place to host new families from Melbourne's west at my Welcoming the Babies event at...
    • Roads (1 speech)
      The Victorian Labor state government never ceases to amaze. It is spending billions and billions of dollars on the Suburban Rail Loop—wasting money. If we are elected to government...
    • Lilley Electorate: Community Events (1 speech)
      On Saturday I was honoured to attend the Geebung RSL for a ceremonial day commemorating our Defence veterans who served in Afghanistan, East Timor and Iraq. It was a moving service, and I was...
    • Herbert Electorate: Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide (1 speech)
      To all of the Australian Defence Force members, our veterans and your families: the freedoms that we enjoy today are on the back of the hard-fought battles, wars and sacrifices that you have...
    • Middle East (1 speech)
      For 11 months the world has stood witness to the awful violence and suffering that has occurred and is occurring in Israel and in Gaza. This horrifying and brutal instalment of a long-running...
    • National Child Protection Week (1 speech)
      One of the most important responsibilities that I have as a father and a member of parliament is to ensure that the next generation grows up knowing that they are safe, valued and supported. Last...
    • Veterans (2 speeches)
      Yesterday, I attended the 25th anniversary lunch of the Para District sub-branch of the National Servicemen's Association SA Branch, a sub-branch that I have been honoured to have been patron of...
  • Private Members' Business (0 speeches)
    • Mining Industry (6 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) for decades, mining companies have been making excessive profits that should have been taxed in order to put dental and mental health into Medicare,...
    • Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games (9 speeches)
      I move: That this House congratulates the efforts of the athletes, coaches, and support staff of the Australian Paralympic Team at the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games. Over the past fortnight, we...
    • Queensland: Roads (7 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) analysis of Australian Road Assessment Program data by the Royal Automobile Club of Queensland (RACQ) has found that motorists travelling on the...
    • Workplace Relations (4 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) the Government's workplace relations policies are getting wages moving again, with annual real wages growing for the past three consecutive quarters;...
  • Statements by Members (0 speeches)
    • Fowler Electorate: Community Events (2 speeches)
      Today I want to share my recent attendance of a school fundraising event in my electorate of Fowler. A division having been called in the House of Representatives Sitting suspended from 16:00...
  • Private Members' Business (0 speeches)
    • Small Business (6 speeches)
      There were 249,179 small businesses across regional Australia as at 30 June 2023. That is a big number—a quarter of a million small businesses—and that's just in New South Wales. We...
    • Gender Equality (10 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) acknowledges the data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics showing the national gender pay gap is the lowest on record, falling to 11.5 per cent from 12...
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
    • Hall, Hon. Joan (1 speech)
      I would like to acknowledge and welcome the Hon. Joan Hall, who is joining us in the visitors' gallery today.
  • Private Members' Business (0 speeches)
    • Hall, Mr Raymond Steele (10 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) notes: (a) the death of the late Steele Hall on 10 June 2024, aged 95 years; (b) that Steele Hall is the only Australian to have served as Premier of a state, as well...
    • Men's Shed Week (10 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) 1 to 7 September 2024 marks Men's Shed Week led by the Australian Men's Shed Association, with this year's theme, 'Send him down to the Shed'; and (b)...
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
  • Private Members' Business (0 speeches)
    • Tibet (6 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) on 6 February 2023, United Nations independent experts identified that approximately one million Tibetan children were being affected by Chinese...