House debates

Monday, 9 September 2024

  • Mining Industry (6 speeches)
    I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) for decades, mining companies have been making excessive profits that should have been taxed in order to put dental and mental health into Medicare,...
  • Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games (9 speeches)
    I move: That this House congratulates the efforts of the athletes, coaches, and support staff of the Australian Paralympic Team at the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games. Over the past fortnight, we...
  • Queensland: Roads (7 speeches)
    I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) analysis of Australian Road Assessment Program data by the Royal Automobile Club of Queensland (RACQ) has found that motorists travelling on the...
  • Workplace Relations (4 speeches)
    I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) the Government's workplace relations policies are getting wages moving again, with annual real wages growing for the past three consecutive quarters;...