House debates

Monday, 9 September 2024

Statements by Members

Ageing Well Seminar: Death, Dying and Grief

1:37 pm

Photo of Kylea TinkKylea Tink (North Sydney, Independent) Share this | | Hansard source

One of the most rewarding working groups established in the time that I've been the Independent member for North Sydney has been the Ageing Well group. This talented collection of individuals includes subject matter specialists, more mature constituents, carers and adult children. As a volunteer group, they are passionately committed to articulating and elevating the needs and interests of our whole community as we all, hopefully, age gracefully and healthily. At a time when our approach to aged care is undergoing a fundamental shift, it is essential that lived experience is placed at the centre of important policy decisions.

Last month, the group hosted a perspective-altering event on death, dying and grief, where the taboos of death and dying were addressed head on. The group was determined this conversation should happen, as one of the key elements of living well is to try and prepare for a good death and a gentle transition to those we leave behind. Our audience came away from the event armed with valuable insights on preparing wills, tips for organising personal affairs, ways of holding uncomfortable conversations and surviving grief so we all grow stronger from loss. I'm deeply grateful to those who participated in the event for their candid and generous sharing of their stories and expertise. To Michelle Chaperon, Jill Nash, Margaret Blake, Bruce Fraser, Christina Sumner, Nikki Wilson and Glenda Hewitt, thank you. As the member for North Sydney, it's a great honour and privilege to help create the space for events like this.