House debates

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Statements by Members

Women in Parliament

1:53 pm

Photo of Sally SitouSally Sitou (Reid, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

In 2022, we saw something quite extraordinary in this country. We saw a record number of female independents elected to our federal parliament. We also saw the first majority female federal government that this country has ever seen. It did take a long time for us to get there—121 years, 31 prime ministers and 47 parliaments. Truth be told, it could only have been done by the Labor government. Only a Labor government could have elected the first majority female federal government. That is because 30 years ago this month courageous men and women stood up at our national conference and voted for affirmative action. It's because of that vote that I am here in this chamber.

I say to those opposite, to the Liberals and the Nationals, who are languishing at just one-third female representation in their parties, that you too have the opportunity to have more female representatives. A federal takeover of the New South Wales division of the Liberal Party is now being proposed. You could perhaps have chosen a female to be on that committee of three men, but sadly you didn't. But there is a real opportunity, and I hope you take it up.