House debates

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

  • Business (0 speeches)
    • Orders of the Day (1 speech)
      I declare that the Federation Chamber order of the day No. 1, government business, Parliamentary Workplace Support Service Amendment (Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission) Bill 2024, is...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Business (0 speeches)
    • Suspension of Standing and Sessional Orders (1 speech)
      I move: That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent: (1) the following from occurring in relation to business in the House for Wednesday, 9 October 2024: (a) business being...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Statements by Members (0 speeches)
    • Queensland Elections (1 speech)
      It is time for a quick game of who am I. I am the youngest of six children born in Bundaberg to small-business owners. I went to Avondale state school and St Joey's in Bundaberg and Shalom...
    • Brown, Mrs Daisy May (1 speech)
      Daisy Brown—nee Cran—was a proud Kamilaroi woman—a sand goanna woman—born in 1935 in the scrub outside Walgett back at a time when Koori kids could be taken. Daisy's...
    • Live Animal Exports: Sheep (2 speeches)
      I rise today to talk about the national ag rally yesterday, which was in support of the Keep the Sheep campaign. What a fantastic rally. Thank you to all those who attended the rally. People...
    • Cunningham Electorate: Health Care (1 speech)
      Last month I had the opportunity to speak with local residents in the community of Bellambi about the Medicare urgent care centre that opened just last year in Corrimal. I heard firsthand so many...
    • Mackellar Electorate: Mental Health (1 speech)
      Last weekend I joined the 24 Hour Row for mental fitness. This event first took place seven years ago, and it was created by Mel and Nathan Wellings from the Avalon surf club in response to...
    • Afghanistan (1 speech)
      'Every moment, you feel like you're in a prison.' 'If we can't speak, why even live?' 'We're like dead bodies moving around'—these are the haunting words of women living under the Taliban's...
    • Youth Voice in Parliament Week (1 speech)
      This speech was written by Ryan local, Fleur, 12, for the Raise Our Voice program. I'll begin with one of Australia's most prominent problems; the high expense of university degrees. I was...
    • Cancer Support Fundraising (1 speech)
      Every week 14 Australian families are given the heartbreaking news that their child has cancer. Last Thursday evening outside Parliament House I caught up with two Australians with big hearts on...
    • Child Care (1 speech)
      This morning, I attended a briefing on the proposal by Thrive By Five to legislate universal access to early childhood development. One of their aims is to legislate that childhood education and...
    • Police Remembrance Day (1 speech)
      When I was in the WA Police Force, I remember arriving early for my 12-hour shift. I would kit-up, complete the handover and hit the road straight. I would run from job to job, never knowing what...
    • Sturt Electorate: Cedar Woods Properties Ltd (1 speech)
      I rise to record my deep opposition to the appalling proposal to rezone land in Glenside to allow 20-storey towers to be built at the Cedar Woods development. There's a public meeting this...
    • Australian Federal Police: United Nations Assistance Mission to East Timor (1 speech)
      Twenty-five years ago, unarmed Australian Federal Police were deployed to Timor-Leste as part of UNAMET, the United Nations Assistance Mission to East Timor. Over 1,400 Timorese people lost their...
    • Petition: Ambulance Services (7 speeches)
      I have a petition here to the honourable Speaker of the House of Representatives and the members of the House of Representatives, calling on the Victorian state government to provide the...
    • Child Protection Awareness Day (1 speech)
      It's not okay to hurt a child. Every day it's not okay. Today is Child Protection Awareness Day. Children are the most important part of our society, and they should be able to live a safe and...
    • Beenleigh State High School: Paddock to Plate (1 speech)
      I'd like to take this opportunity to recognise the efforts of the 105 students at Beenleigh State High School who recently took part in the annual Paddock to Plate luncheon. It truly is from the...
    • Women in Parliament (1 speech)
      In 2022, we saw something quite extraordinary in this country. We saw a record number of female independents elected to our federal parliament. We also saw the first majority female federal...
    • Farrer Electorate, Albanese Government (1 speech)
      I rise to highlight the abject mess Labor is creating for my communities in my electorate of Farrer, not by what it is doing but more by what it is not doing. Farmers from my electorate took a...
    • Vocational Education and Training (1 speech)
      Neglecting vocational training is a betrayal of Australia's young people and our nation's future, and the Liberals and Nationals did exactly that. They undermined the high quality of Australia's...
    • Agriculture Industry (2 speeches)
      Thousands of farmers made the long trip to Canberra yesterday to peacefully protest the Albanese Labor government's destructive anti-agriculture agenda. It is the first time in 40 years that...
  • Statements on Indulgence (0 speeches)
  • Ministry (0 speeches)
    • Temporary Arrangements (1 speech)
      I inform the House that the Minister for Health and Aged Care will be absent from question time for at least today. The Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local...
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Economy (10 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Core inflation in Australia is higher than that of every major advanced economy. It is higher than in the US, the UK, Canada, the Euro area, Japan, Sweden,...
    • Cybersafety (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Communications. How will the Albanese Labor government's proposal to limit young people's access to social media help and support Australian families?
    • Economy (5 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. Last week, the Treasurer accused the RBA of smashing the economy. BlackRock's Head of Australia Fixed Income, Craig Vardy, has said it was because the Treasurer...
    • Cybersafety (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Youth. What have young people told us about the impacts of social media? What is the Albanese Labor government doing to limit the negative impacts and to keep...
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Renewable Energy (2 speeches)
      () (): Minister for mines, is the bipartisan 2050 zero emissions target a lying hypocrisy, or is Australia's coal industry to be abolished, with 48,000 jobs and one-twentieth of the economy to...
    • Cybersafety (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. How is the Albanese Labor government working to protect children from online harm?
    • Economy (9 speeches)
      My question as to the Treasurer. Last week the Treasurer accused the RBA of 'smashing' the economy. Former RBA board member Graham Kraehe said: For the treasurer to then be coming out and saying,...
    • Workplace Relations (5 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations. How is the Albanese Labor government helping Australians earn more and keep more of what they...
    • Economy (13 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. Independent economist Chris Richardson says, 'Governments are throwing a lot of money at the symptoms of the cost-of-living crisis, but that worsens the cause of...
    • Reserve Bank of Australia (3 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. The ABC's Jacob Greber has reported a senior Labor figure described RBA governor Michele Bullock as a 'nutter' and the RBA in general as 'barbarians' and...
    • Early Childhood Education (2 speeches)
      ():  My question is to the Minister for Education. What is the Albanese Labor government doing to boost wages of early childhood workers and keep prices down for families, and what has...
    • Gambling Advertising (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. In your previous answer you talked of giving parents peace of mind and protecting children, yet you are being selective in which harm you address. Young...
    • Paid Parental Leave (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Social Services. How is the Albanese Labor government providing equity for women in their retirement through paying superannuation on paid parental leave, and...
    • Economy (10 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. Over the last two years, Australian households have experienced the largest fall in disposable incomes in the OECD. That's more than the UK, the US, Germany,...
    • Vocational Education and Training (11 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Skills and Training. How is the Albanese Labor government supporting Australians to gain the skills that are in demand while easing cost-of-living pressures?...
    • Child Care (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Early Childhood Education. Out-of-school-hours care services at small rural schools across my electorate face imminent closure after sustainability funding was...
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
    • Sheridan, Mr David (1 speech)
      Before I call the member for Bendigo, I'd like to acknowledge, in the gallery, a guest of the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Mr David Sheridan of Travancore. Honourable...
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Resources Industry (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Resources and the Minister for Northern Australia. How is the Albanese Labor government supporting the Australian resources sector and delivering a future made...
    • Economy (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. President of the Queensland Association of State School Principals, Patrick Murphy, has told the Senate's cost-of-living inquiry that parents are increasingly...
    • Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Sport. What impact have Australia's brilliant Paralympians had on our country, and what help is the government providing athletes for the games in Los Angeles...
    • Cost of Living (6 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. Jess and Russell from Alexandra Hills have told me: 'Our interest rates skyrocketed. We now have to find an additional $500 every week. The government seems...
    • Renewable Energy (3 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for the Environment and Water. How many renewables projects has the Albanese Labor government ticked off? How will these projects make energy cleaner and cheaper...
  • Statements on Indulgence (0 speeches)
    • Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games (1 speech)
      This morning in Sydney, a mum and their child handed me a handwritten note, and it goes to what the Minister for Sport has just said and what I and the Leader of the Opposition and other people...
  • Statements (0 speeches)
  • Documents (0 speeches)
    • Independent Auditor; Presentation (1 speech)
      I present the Auditor General's performance audit report No. 2 of 2024-25, entitled Defence's management of ICT systems security authorisations: Department of Defence. Document made a...
    • Presentation (1 speech)
      These documents are tabled in accordance with the list circulated to the honourable members earlier today. Full details of the documents will be recorded in the Votes and Proceedings.
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Matters of Public Importance (0 speeches)
    • Scams (13 speeches)
      I have received a letter from the honourable member for Warringah proposing that a definite matter of public importance be submitted to the House for discussion, namely: The need for the...
  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Human Rights Joint Committee; Report (2 speeches)
      On behalf of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, I present the following reports: Inquiry into Compulsory Income Management Report incorporating dissenting reports; and the Human...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Adjournment (0 speeches)
    • Energy (1 speech)
      Tonight I would like to address the subject of hydrogen and green steel, and the government's $2 billion Hydrogen Headstart program and what that means for the people of Gladstone in my...
    • Freeman, Mrs Colleen Margaret (1 speech)
      Ipswich is mourning the end of an era with the passing of trailblazing Labor activist, community champion and matriarch Colleen Freeman. Colleen was a dedicated, caring, driven woman who worked...
    • Child Care (1 speech)
      Today I rise on behalf of families in my community who are facing an urgent crisis, one that threatens not only their financial stability but also their ability to participate fully in the...
    • Tasmania: Storms, Emergency Management (1 speech)
      There's no argument: Tasmania is one of the most beautiful places in the world, known for stunning landscapes—everything from white sand beaches to majestic mountains and, of course, our...
    • Fadden Electorate: Cost of Living (1 speech)
      Mr Robert: The cost of living is through the roof, and families right across the Gold Coast are suffering. We often come into this place and make this point, and those...
    • Small Business (1 speech)
      Australia's millions of small businesses are the engine room of our nation's economy. They're at the heart of local communities across the country and employ millions of Australians. Small...
  • Constituency Statements (0 speeches)
    • Carillon Business Awards 2024 (1 speech)
      On Saturday, I had the honour of attending Bathurst Business Chamber's Carillon Business Awards. The awards celebrate the remarkable achievements of our local businesses and the outstanding men...
    • Spence Electorate: Welcoming the Babies (1 speech)
      Having a child offers two very different extremes for a parent. On the one hand, it is the most exciting and rewarding time of a parent's life. There is genuinely nothing like it. But, on the...
    • Organ and Tissue Donation (1 speech)
      I am delighted to get up this morning and discuss the Parliamentary Friends of Organ Donation. I have just finished a particular event with my very good friend Dr Mike Freelander to have people...
    • Canterbury Bankstown Torch, Eve's Apple (1 speech)
      There was a time when the local newspaper was the fixture of front lawns across our suburbs. Often they'd fly out the window of a station wagon with varying degrees of accuracy. Local media has...
    • Longman Electorate: Homelessness (1 speech)
      Recently, I had a community forum in the Longman electorate around homelessness and housing affordability, which is as bad as I've ever seen it. Like many communities around the country, there...
    • Genetic Testing and Life Insurance (1 speech)
      Last year I held a roundtable in my office with Assistant Minister Stephen Jones, Dr Jane Tiller, advocates and members of our community who were confronting potential discrimination by life...
    • O'Connor Electorate: Migration (1 speech)
      I rise today to inform the parliament of the coordinated approach to migration taken by 10 shires and a regional city in my electorate and how federal and WA Labor are strangling their...
    • Swan Electorate: Young Changemakers Conference (1 speech)
      Are you a young changemaker? What change do you want to see? These are two questions I asked young people aged 16 to 17 years in Swan, and I received some amazing replies. One said: A change in...
    • Menzies Electorate: Manningham Civic Awards (1 speech)
      We have the great honour, in this Chamber and in the other one, of rising to acknowledge the work of volunteers. It was Winston Churchill who said, 'We make a living by what we get, but we make a...
    • Marne, Uncle Wes, AM (2 speeches)
      On the morning of 31 August, our Chifley community and, I would say, the country lost an incredible person in 102-year-old Uncle Wes Marne. Bigambul man Uncle Wes lived on the lands of the Dharug...
  • Bills (0 speeches)