House debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Questions without Notice

Middle East

2:02 pm

Photo of Anne StanleyAnne Stanley (Werriwa, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

My question is to the Prime Minister. Can the Prime Minister please update the House on efforts to bring Australians home from Lebanon?

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | | Hansard source

I thank the member for Werriwa for her question. I know that this is an issue that she has raised directly with me and the Minister for Home Affairs, as she has a sizeable population of Lebanese origin, like many of our electorates, many of whom would have been in Lebanon during this extraordinarily difficult time. I can report that, as of 8 October, a total of 1,215 Australians, permanent residents and their immediate family members have been assisted by the government to depart Lebanon. This includes six Australian government flights: two on Saturday 5 October, carrying 407 passengers; two on 6 October, carrying 448 passengers; and two on 7 October, carrying 311 passengers. There are 3,892 Australians and their immediate family members registered to depart. Vulnerable and displaced people are being prioritised. We know that hundreds of thousands of people in Lebanon have been displaced.

The scenes of families reuniting at Australian airports have been so moving. I'm pleased that the member for Watson, the Minister for Home Affairs, was able to greet many of the Australian citizens when they arrived in Sydney just last night. One returning Australian, Aurore Gharib, told the media she was very proud to be a citizen. To quote her: 'The things the Australian government did for us, nobody in the world would do.' Our message to Australians in Lebanon remains to please take the first flight option that is available to you. There should not be an empty seat on any of these flights. We will not be able to continue these flights indefinitely.

Can I say that Australians in Lebanon who wish to leave should ensure they are registered via DFAT's crisis portal or by calling the Australian government's 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61262613305. Further flights back to Australia are planned for coming days. Two more flights are scheduled to leave Beirut today, Beirut time. Australians and their families are staying in temporary accommodation in Larnaca in Cyprus and returning to Australia on connecting flights.

I thank Foreign Minister Wong for her tireless efforts. I thank DFAT, the Australian Defence Force and other Australian officials who've been working around the clock to get these Australians home. I thank all the members of the National Security Committee who've been meeting regularly to put these measures in place in advance. I do also want to thank the airlines Qantas and Qatar, who are assisting with these repatriation flights and providing their aircraft and personnel to assist with the safe return of Australians from what is a very dangerous and precarious position.

Once again, to reiterate: Please come home when you have the opportunity. Do not wait. Do not think, 'Things might get better.' Please come home and be safe.

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | | Hansard source

On indulgence, the honourable the Leader of the Opposition.

2:06 pm

Photo of Peter DuttonPeter Dutton (Dickson, Liberal Party, Leader of the Opposition) Share this | | Hansard source

I want to agree and wholeheartedly support the comments of the Prime Minister. To all Australian citizens who are in Lebanon at the moment: Please heed the advice of the Prime Minister and the Australian government. Please listen to family and loved ones back here, where they are urging you to return back to Australia. It is a precarious time in the Middle East, as we well know. The Australian government has done a good job in providing clear advice to Australian citizens who are in the region, to take up the offer of the flights. People should do that without hesitation. Again, I endorse and support the words of the Prime Minister in providing that encouragement to Australian citizens.