OpenAustralia news
Another big step forward for government transparency in Australia
Today we proudly bring you the Register of Members' Interests. We have now made these extremely important documents available online for the first time ever.
In the Register of Interests, Representatives and Senators declare information of financial interests, stocks and shares held, gifts received over a certain value, and memberships of Clubs and Associations.
Now, the Register of Interests is available for all sitting Senators and Representatives and is available at the bottom of each of their pages.
See, for instance, the Register of Interests for the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, available at the bottom of his page. (direct link)
This latest addition was largely made possible by the generous help of volunteer Stephen Thorne at Netbox Blue who scanned the 1500 pages of the Register of Members' Interests and Bernard Wright, the Registrar of Members' Interests, for providing us with the hardcopy material.
Posted on 26 February 2009 at 08:30:00 by Matthew | Link to this