Senate debates
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Social Security Legislation Amendment (Connecting People with Jobs) Bill 2010 (0 speeches)
- Second Reading (3 speeches)
Debate resumed from 15 November, on motion by Senator McLucas: That this bill be now read a second time.
- Third Reading (0 speeches)
Bill passed through its remaining stages without amendment or debate.
- Australian National Preventive Health Agency Bill 2010 (0 speeches)
- Second Reading (6 speeches)
Debate resumed from 15 November, on motion by Senator McLucas: That this bill be now read a second time.
- Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
- Gillard Government (32 speeches)
My question is to the Leader of the Government in the Senate, Senator Evans. Will the minister please inform the Senate of the government’s legislative and work program for the next two weeks?
- Climate Change (15 speeches)
My question is to the Minister representing the Prime Minister, Senator Evans. Can the minister advise the Senate why it is important for Australia to introduce the most economically efficient...
- Water Infrastructure (21 speeches)
My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Senator Conroy. Will the minister tell the Senate how much of the $5.9...
- Automotive Industry (6 speeches)
I have a question for the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Senator Carr. I ask the minister if he can inform the Senate on the progress of the New Car Plan for a Greener...
- Broadband (23 speeches)
My question is to the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Conroy. Given that the government is sending to the Productivity Commission a carbon tax that it...
- Health: Disease Control (6 speeches)
My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Health and Ageing, Senator Ludwig. Given that climate change and the increasing movement of people, animals and goods around the world...
- Broadband (16 speeches)
My question is to the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Conroy. Can the minister please inform the Senate of the lifespan of a fibre-optic cable?
- Antisiphoning List (16 speeches)
My question is to the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. Has the minister mentioned the value of television licence fees, the rebate of such fees or the review of...
- Questions without Notice: Additional Answers (0 speeches)
- Defence Procurement (1 speech)
Mr President, I seek leave to incorporate an answer to a question asked by Senator Johnston of me in my capacity representing Mr Smith, the Minister for Defence, yesterday. I have a response,...
- Health: Disease Control (1 speech)
In answer to the question to me from Senator Milne today, I want to add additional information which may assist Senator Milne. The Australian government has sufficient capacity—through...
- Mining (1 speech)
I seek leave to incorporate an answer to questions asked yesterday by Senator Bob Brown of me in my capacity representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and...
- Environment (1 speech)
I have some additional information in relation to a question asked of me by Senator Ludlam in the last session, on 27 October, which I seek leave to incorporate. Leave granted. The document read...
- Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers (0 speeches)
- Gillard Government (9 speeches)
I move: That the Senate take note of the answer given by the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Jobs and Workplace Relations (Senator Evans) to a question without notice asked by Senator...
- Health: Disease Control (1 speech)
I move: That the Senate take note of the answer given by the Minister representing the Minister for Health and Ageing (Senator Ludwig) to a question without notice asked by me today, relating to...
- Petitions (0 speeches)
- (1 speech)
The Clerk: A petition has been lodged for presentation as follows:
- Notices (0 speeches)
- Presentation (0 speeches)
Senator Bob Brown to move on the next day of sitting:That the Senate—(a)recognises the damage to our marine species cause by discarded non-biodegradable plastic bags;(b)congratulates the...
- Leave of Absence (0 speeches)
- (1 speech)
by leave—I move: That leave of absence be granted to Senator Minchin for the period of yesterday and today on account of personal reasons. Question agreed to.
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Notices (0 speeches)
- Postponement (0 speeches)
The following item of business was postponed: General business notice of motion no. 76 standing in the name of the Leader of the Australian Greens (Senator Bob Brown) for today, proposing an...
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Productivity Commission Report (0 speeches)
- Order (3 speeches)
I seek leave to amend general business motion No. 84 standing in my name relating to the production of a Productivity Commission report on the selection of default superannuation funds and the...
- Language Rights of Tibetans (0 speeches)
- (3 speeches)
I move: That the Senate—(a)supports the right of Tibetans to:(i)be educated in their own language, and(ii)peacefully protest to protect their right to speak their own language;...
- Mental Health (0 speeches)
- (10 speeches)
I seek leave to amend general business notice of motion No. 80 standing in my name for today relating to mental health funding. Leave granted. I move the motion as amended: That the...
- Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling — Genetically Modified Material) Bill 2010 (0 speeches)
- First Reading (1 speech)
I, and also on behalf of Senator Siewert, move: That the following bill be introduced: A Bill for an Act to provide for the accurate labelling of food with genetically modified material, and for...
- Second Reading (3 speeches)
I move: That this bill be now read a second time. I table an explanatory memorandum relating to the bill and seek leave to have the second reading speeches incorporated in Hansard. Leave granted....
- Anti-Discrimination Laws (0 speeches)
- (1 speech)
I seek leave to amend general business notice of motion No. 92 standing in my name by removing the words ‘provide further’ and substituting the word ‘ensure’. A copy of...
- Business (0 speeches)
- Consideration of Legislation (1 speech)
I seek leave to move a motion relating to the consideration of the Social Security Amendment (Income Support for Regional Students) Bill 2010 and message No. 38 from the House of...
- Suspension of Standing Orders (21 speeches)
Pursuant to contingent notice, and at the request of the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, I move: That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent Senator Nash moving a...
- Matters of Public Importance (0 speeches)
- Youth Allowance (42 speeches)
The President has received a letter from Senator Fifield proposing that a definite matter of public importance be submitted to the Senate for discussion, namely: The Gillard Government’s...
- Documents (0 speeches)
- Coal Seam Gas Projects (1 speech)
I table a statement and documents in response to a resolution of the Senate agreed to on 28 October 2010 concerning coal seam gas projects.
- Tabling (1 speech)
The Clerk: Documents are tabled in accordance with the list circulated to senators. Details of the documents appear at the end of today’s Hansard.
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Aviation Crimes and Policing Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (0 speeches)
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Economics Legislation Committee; Report (1 speech)
Pursuant to order and at the request of the Chair of the Economics Legislation Committee, Senator Hurley, I present the report of the committee on the provisions of the ,Corporations Amendment...
- Community Affairs Legislation Committee; Report (1 speech)
Pursuant to order and at the request of the Chair of the Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Senator Moore, I present the report of the committee on the provisions of the National Health...
- Australian National Preventive Health Agency Bill 2010 (0 speeches)
- Documents (0 speeches)
- (1 speech)
Order! It being 6.50 pm, the Senate will proceed to the consideration of government documents.
- Consideration (0 speeches)
The government documents tabled earlier today were called on but no motion was moved. The following orders of the day relating to government documents were considered: Australian Sports...
- Adjournment (0 speeches)
- (1 speech)
Order! There being no further consideration of government documents, I propose the question: That the Senate do now adjourn.
- Support of People with Disabilities (1 speech)
Tonight, I would like to talk about an area that has been neglected for decades but where there is now hope, a ‘light on the hill’, thanks to the federal Labor government. I speak of...
- Mr Thomas Reid MBE (1 speech)
I rise tonight to mark the passing of a distinguished Canberran. Thomas Reid MBE, who died on 2 October, was an engineer whose work at the Tidbinbilla, Honeysuckle Creek and Orroral Valley space...
- Volunteers (1 speech)
I rise today to speak about an issue that is of significant importance to all Australians. I am talking about volunteering and the massive contribution of volunteers in our society. I recently...
- Andrew McLeod (1 speech)
I rise tonight to mark, perhaps belatedly, the retirement of one of Australia’s most remarkable AFL footballers—the Adelaide Crows player Andrew McLeod. Andrew McLeod announced his...
- Apology to the Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants (1 speech)
Today is the first anniversary of our country’s apology to the people we used to know as the forgotten Australians. In this place last year on 16 November, a number of us made very short...
- National School Chaplaincy Program (1 speech, 1 comment)
I speak tonight about the successful National School Chaplaincy Program, which is making a real difference in the lives of students, teachers and families across the country. Last week, I had the...
- Solar Cities Project (1 speech)
I rise tonight to talk about a very exciting project that is happening in certain cities around this country: the Australian government’s Solar Cities project, which has now been running...
- Child Abuse; Cunningham Dax Collection (1 speech)
I seek leave to speak for 20 minutes. Leave granted. Tonight I rise to speak on the Cunningham Dax Collection, which deals with art, creativity and education in mental health. But, before I start...
- Australian Greens (1 speech, 1 comment)
I seek leave to speak for 20 minutes. Leave granted. Australia needs to work out very quickly that the Greens are the One Nation of the Left. Bob Brown is the socialist Pauline Hanson. The big...
- Documents (0 speeches)
- Tabling (0 speeches)
The following documents were tabled by the Clerk: Commissioner of Taxation—Public Rulings— Class Rulings CR 2010/59-CR 2010/63. Product Rulings— Notices of Withdrawal—PR...