Senate debates

Wednesday, 3 February 2021


Native Title Legislation Amendment Bill 2020; In Committee

9:50 am

Photo of Peter Whish-WilsonPeter Whish-Wilson (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

Had you been here a little bit longer, Minister, you would probably know that we do tend to have a wide-ranging debate, but actually this is directly relevant to what we are discussing here. I know you've been elevated recently and you're enjoying this debate, but how can you say that big mining companies donating to your political party don't want something in return? I'm not finished yet, Senator. You, of course, have the right to take a point of order, but I'd ask that you pay me the respect of hearing me out, even though you may not want to and you may not like what I'm saying. How can you say that these mining companies that give millions of dollars to your political party don't want something in return? It is legalised bribery, what happens through political donations. It is pay for play. You can say that perhaps it's not this exact issue, but how would you know, if you're not the person who's working the relationships with these large corporations, with these industries? We need to cap political donations in this country for this exact reason, because this is a democracy, and the public interest matters. While I accept that these big corporations and these industries do some public good—there's no doubt about that: they employ people and they contribute to our economies and our communities—what they want is not always in the public interest. There should be a fair, level playing field in terms of influence in this place. That was Senator Thorpe's question. It was about political influence. What kind of influence do these companies have? It is directly relevant to this debate. I'm just taking my own longwinded point of order on your saying that this was a juvenile question. It goes to the heart of the problems in this place and in our democracy and with this bill.

The CHAIR: Senator Thorpe, I indicated I was giving the call to Senator Dodson. Sorry, Minister; did you wish to respond?


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