Senate debates

Wednesday, 3 February 2021


Native Title Legislation Amendment Bill 2020; In Committee

9:54 am

Photo of Amanda StokerAmanda Stoker (Queensland, Liberal Party, Assistant Minister to the Attorney-General) Share this | Hansard source

If that was meant to be a question, I think I should answer it, and the answer is: I gave a full answer to Senator Thorpe's question. It was that this is not prompted by any kind of donation process. This is prompted by the 2017 inquiry process. All of the evidence shows it, and no amount of condescension from Senator Whish-Wilson changes the fact that that is the genesis of this bill, and the consultation process that has emerged shows that it is one that is supported by all of the stakeholders relevant to it, including the National Native Title Council. Thank you for the indulgence, Senator Dodson.


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