Senate debates

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Statements by Senators


1:41 pm

Photo of Hollie HughesHollie Hughes (NSW, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy) Share this | Hansard source

Well no-one can ever believe a world he says again. There may be some credence to his defence if it were the first time he'd broken faith with the electors, but, alas, this is now just the next broken promise. There was $275 off your power bills—the Voldemort of figures, the number that shall never speak its name, for those opposite. No changes to superannuation, yet here we are with significant and unprecedented changes, especially the ludicrous proposal of unrealised capital gains. What's next? The family home, capital gains, a death tax or negative gearing? How will we know? What we do know is that we cannot believe that what they say is what they will actually do. (Time expired)


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