Senate debates

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Statements by Senators


1:44 pm

Photo of Fatima PaymanFatima Payman (WA, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I'm proud to say that as of 1 July the Albanese government will deliver a tax cut to every Australian taxpayer—that's 13.6 million taxpayers, not just some. Under Labor's plan, a teacher on $80,000 will get a tax cut of more than $1,600, and a nurse on $76,000 will get a tax cut of more than $1,500. Labor's tax cuts are designed to provide meaningful and immediate cost-of-living relief without adding pressure on inflation. This is a fair and responsible plan, responding to the economic conditions of 2024.

I was truly shocked yesterday to hear that the 'no-alition' said yes to Labor's tax plan. Honestly, I thought that they'd forgotten that word after saying no to cheaper child care, no to cheaper medicines and no to cheaper electricity. By supporting our tax cuts, the opposition recognise that our plan is better for Australia. But what I don't understand is why the opposition didn't look at our other cost-of-living reforms and do the same. Honestly, I'm constantly confused about what the Liberal and National parties really stand for. They say that Labor should do more, yet they come in here and vote down every cost-of-living relief measure without shame. They say they're supporting Labor's tax plan, but they take every opportunity in media to talk it down. Just the other day, I was appalled to hear Senator Hume say that our plan won't make a difference to the weekly household budget. Labor's tax cuts will make sure that there's a difference for working families, which is why Australians overwhelmingly support our plan. Senator Hume should spend less time in the media and more time on the ground to hear what matters to everyday Australians.

Labor's tax plan is better for the economy, better for families, and better for the household budget. Why can't those opposite just admit it? (Time expired)


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