Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Cost of Living

4:20 pm

Photo of Helen PolleyHelen Polley (Tasmania, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

What an extraordinary contribution was delivered from a senator on that side of the chamber who yet again wants to rewrite history! I will say this about the next election: the Australian population will vote, and they don't get it wrong, just as they didn't 2½ years ago.

Let's put the real truth on the table here: there isn't anyone in this chamber except those on that side who prays every night for an interest rate rise. Why do they do that? It's because they are only interested in politics. If they were really worried about the Australian community, the cost of living, housing and those issues, they've had ample opportunity in the last 2½ years to vote for legislation that has in fact brought relief on the cost of living for Australian families. If they were really worried, they would not be playing politics with the Housing Australia Future Fund, and they would vote for the Help to Buy Scheme legislation or have the courage to vote against it.

Let us not forget that those opposite were in office for almost nine years. What did they leave us? Nothing but mess after mess. We had huge debt. In almost nine years, not one surplus was delivered. They threatened time and time again but delivered not one surplus in almost nine years. We have already delivered two surpluses. We have with us in the chamber at the moment our fantastic Minister for Finance. Only today in question time, she again spoke in this chamber about what we've achieved. Those opposite want to rewrite history. The reality is that they talk the big talk about the economy and their ability to manage it, but the Australian people at the last election gave them an F for failure. That's what they did. I'm confident that, when people go to the ballot box next time, next year, they will vote according to how they have been supported by this government, including on bringing inflation down. We inherited an inflation figure that started with a 6. When I went to school, which I admit was a long time ago, I learned that the figure 3, which is what the inflation figure currently starts with, is less than the figure 6. So we have been doing our job in 2½ years, and that's what the Australian people will make their judgement on.

I'm happy to live by whatever judgement they make, because I know that as a Labor government we brought in bigger tax cuts and we've actually given cost-of-living relief with our energy rebate of $300 to every household in the country. We have also invested in Medicare and put cheaper medicine out there for the Australian community. We've introduced 60-day prescriptions. Senator Duniam, you would recall all the lobbying done when you were in government by those people who were against it, and your government folded. We took a decision that would produce savings for Australians and mean that they would not have to go to the pharmacy as often and not have to see a GP, which means there are more opportunities for other people to have access to GPs. This government has invested in four urgent care clinics just in Tasmania, which Senator Duniam, Senator Urquhart and I represent. I can tell you the urgent care clinic in Launceston has enabled so many more people to go and see a GP and not have to go to accident and emergency to get some urgent assistance. We have also invested more in rental assistance than those opposite.

We know that Mr Dutton is voting, and directing his party to vote, against any of these measures except for the tax cuts. Our tax cut actually went to people on low incomes, unlike what was proposed by Mr Morrison when he was Prime Minister and held five other ministries at the same time without telling people. There's a stark contrast between what the Liberals say and what we committed to at the last election and have delivered. And let's not forget Australian pensioners this week will get— (Time expired)


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