Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Cost of Living

4:25 pm

Photo of Nick McKimNick McKim (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

Millions of Australians—mortgage holders, renters, young people and families—across the country are struggling to make ends meet at the moment. Since Labor came into power, rents in Australia has gone up by 31 per cent. The average mortgage repayment has increased by a staggering $1,600 a month. The RBA is refusing to cut rates despite the economy being on its knee—we're in a per capita recession—and despite the governor of the RBA admitting that people are facing the brutal reality of having to default and sell their home.

Monetary policy is punishing those people who are least responsible for inflation. Young people are doing everything asked of them. They've cut their discretionary spending. Those with savings have increased their spending. While millions of Australians are struggling and being smashed by high interest rates, those with paid-off houses and massive savings accounts, who are usually older, wealthier Australians, see their wealth boosted.

What the Greens want is for Labor to come to the table and actually sit down and negotiate with us about taking meaningful steps towards solving the housing crisis in this country. Since Labor came to power in 2022, rents have gone up by 31 per cent, and the average mortgage repayment has gone up by $1,600—in fact, more than that. So here's a question for Prime Minister Albanese and Labor: why is Mr Albanese so happy to negotiate with Mr Dutton on things like weakening environment protections and on things like cutting the NDIS, which went through this parliament only weeks ago with support from the Labor and Liberal parties, but why is he refusing to negotiate with the Greens to solve the housing crisis in Australia? That's the question that Labor has to answer. In the middle of a social calamity, where rents and mortgages are going through the roof, where so many Australians are being made homeless through no fault of their own— (Time expired)


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