Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 June 2008



The following government documents were tabled:

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission—Telecommunications reports for 2006-07—Report 1: Telecommunications competitive safeguards; Report 2: Changes in the prices paid for telecommunications services in Australia.

Attorney-General’s Department—Report—Review of sections 47J and 110AA of the Copyright Act 1968Copyright exceptions for private copying of photographs and films, 2008.

Australian National University—Report for 2007.

Advisory Panel on the Marketing in Australia of Infant Formula—Reports for the period July 2004 to June 2007.

Treaties—MultilateralAttachment to explanatory statement 2 of 2008—Amendment, adopted 1 October 2007, to Annex 1 of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) International Convention Against Doping in Sport of 19 October 2005.

The following documents were tabled by the Clerk:

Defence Act—Determination under section 58B—Defence Determination 2008/23—East Timor – amendment.

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act—Notice of proposed accreditation of the Torres Strait Beche-de-mer Fishery Statement of Management Arrangements 2005, dated 11 June 2008.