Senate debates
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
The following documents were tabled by the Clerk:
[Legislative instruments are identified by a Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) number]
Australian Research Council Act—Approval of Proposals—Determination No. 66—Linkage Projects Round 2 commencing in 2009.
Civil Aviation Act—
Civil Aviation Regulations—Instrument No. CASA 250/09—Amendment of instrument CASA 206/09 [F2009L02299]*.
Civil Aviation Safety Regulations—Airworthiness Directives—Part—
AD/B737/355—Forward Airstair Doorway Backup Intercostals and Upper Sill Web [F2009L02177]*.
AD/B737/356—MLG Retract Actuator Beam [F2009L02178]*.
AD/B747/392—Fuselage Upper Lobe Doubler [F2009L02180]*.
AD/B747/393—Section 41 Upper Deck Floor Beam Upper Chords [F2009L02181]*.
AD/CL-600/108—Air Driven Generator Power Feeder Harness [F2009L02257]*.
AD/ERJ-170/23—Airframe Structural Components [F2009L02196]*.
AD/ERJ-190/21—Airframe Structural Components [F2009L02197]*.
AD/FA-200/18—Fuel System - Placard Installation [F2009L02277]*.
AD/FA-200/24—Elevator Torque Tube Corrosion [F2009L02205]*.
AD/FU24/67—Vertical Stabiliser [F2009L02207]*.
AD/L200/3—Propeller De-Icing Control – Modification [F2009L02278]*.
AD/L200/4—Nose Wheel Retract Strut – Inspection [F2009L02208]*.
106—AD/CFM56/31—High Pressure Compressor [F2009L02256]*.
107—AD/APU/23—Saphir 2 Exhaust Thermal Insulation [F2009L02248]*.
Financial Management and Accountability Act—Financial Management and Accountability Determination 2009/22—Other Trust Moneys – Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman Special Account Variation 2009 [F2009L02361]*.
Higher Education Support Act—VET Provider Approvals Nos—
24 of 2009—Australian English & Business College Pty Ltd [F2009L02357]*.
25 of 2009—MEGT (Australia) Ltd [F2009L02358]*.
26 of 2009—Swinburne University of Technology [F2009L02359]*.
27 of 2009—The Board of the Gordon Institute of Technical and Further Education [F2009L02360]*.
* Explanatory statement tabled with legislative instrument.
The following government documents were tabled:
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission—Telecommunications reports for 2007-08—Report 1: Telecommunications competitive safeguards; Report 2: Changes in the prices paid for telecommunications services in Australia.
Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997Report for 2007-08 in relation to compliance with the funding agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and Australian Livestock Export Corporation Limited (LiveCorp).
Australian Military Court—Chief Military Judge—Report for 2008.
Director of Military Prosecutions—Report for 2008.
Judge Advocate General—Report for 2008.
Legislative Instruments Act 2003Review of the operation of the Act—Report, 31 March 2009.
Northern Territory Fisheries Joint Authority—Report for 2006-07.
Product Stewardship (Oil) Act 2000Second independent review—Final report by Pricewaterhouse Coopers, February 2009.
Queensland Fisheries Joint Authority—Report for 2005-06.
Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator—Report for 2008.
Surveillance Devices Act 2004Commonwealth Ombudsman’s report on inspections of surveillance device records for the period 1 July to 31 December 2008—Australian Crime Commission and Australian Federal Police.
Sydney Airport Demand Management Act 1997Quarterly report on the maximum movement limit for Sydney Airport for the period 1 January to 31 March 2009.
Western Australian Fisheries Joint Authority—Report for 2004-05.