Senate debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers


3:25 pm

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I move:

That the Senate take note of the answer given by the Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher) to a question without notice I asked today relating to the recycling of clothing.

We are told the proposed tax on clothing is to encourage recycling. The proposal from the Minister for the Environment and Water was floated over the weekend. This was not some random thought bubble. The World Economic Forum and its acolytes have been saying for years that everyday citizens are buying too much clothing. Minister Plibersek repeated those World Economic Forum talking points in the same press conference. This begs the questions: What's the correct amount of clothing a person can own? Who decides how much clothing we each get to own? Is the intent to remove colour and style options so that a few approved uniforms are all we need? Didn't China try that already?

This proposal sits alongside the World Economic Forum policy that I spoke to last sitting, calling on people to wear clothing for a week and jeans for a month before washing them. It's true that laundering clothing does wear it out. To get by with fewer items of clothing, one has to wash them less often. At least they thought this through.

It's terrifying that a minister of the Crown would repeat World Economic Forum talking points designed to ensure that everyday Australians have less. The failure here, though, is this: the reason we throw out so much clothing is that Australians don't know clothing can be recycled. Councils don't have clothing on the lists of things you can put in a yellow bin. Retailers don't have recycling bins in stores, and they don't attach a tag to a garment saying, 'You can recycle the product in a yellow bin.' The industry already has recycling facilities in Sydney and Melbourne, which is a good start.

Here's an idea: instead of taxing clothing to create a new recycling system, as the Labor Party is considering, how about working with the industry to expand capability and then encourage the public to recycle clothing instead of throwing it out? This government needs to use less stick and more commonsense. It needs to use less control and do more listening and consulting.

Question agreed to.