Senate debates

Thursday, 29 February 2024

  • Tertiary Education (1 speech)
    The Universities Accord report and the National School Reform Agreement make it clear that more needs to be done to help students from our regions finish school and consider studying at...
  • Dunkley By-Election (1 speech)
    I rise to speak on the important opportunity for voters in Dunkley this Saturday. This weekend's by-election is a crucial opportunity to elect a true community champion, three-time Frankston...
  • Gladstone Hospital (1 speech)
    Today I rise to speak on behalf of the people of Gladstone around the utter inadequacy of the Queensland health system in our town. Gladstone Hospital is overrun, underfunded and in desperate...
  • Small Business (1 speech)
    It's the private sector and small business, not government, that is the biggest employer of Australians. Australian small businesses employ more than one million people and add $500 billion to...
  • Victoria: Firefighting Volunteers (1 speech)
    I rise in recognition of our hardworking volunteer firefighters who continue to battle the bushfires currently taking place in my home state of Victoria. I know I speak on behalf of all...
  • Parliamentary Sittings (1 speech)
    When this government was elected it said that parliament would be different, that parliament would be more respectful and more family friendly. Apparently, and I am quoting from the minister's...
  • Aged Care (1 speech)
    It has now been 60 days since the Albanese government missed their own deadline to release their aged-care sustainability taskforce report. This important report will inform the ongoing financial...
  • Childhood Literacy: Toast for Kids Charity (1 speech)
    The Toast for Kids Charity is a Tasmanian based organisation whose stated aim is to 'break the cycle of poverty, poor health, social exclusion, and helplessness, through and by supporting...
  • Albanese Government (1 speech)
    Today the Albanese government sent even more Australian troops to the Red Sea as part of a US bombing campaign on Yemen. Make no mistake, Australia has once again followed the US into another...
  • Worldview Foundation (1 speech)
    I rise to speak about Worldview Foundation, a local charity whose mission is to create strong futures for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Indigenous people in Canberra are...
  • Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month (1 speech)
    Today is the last day of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, a month that is incredibly important to many Australians and is led by Ovarian Cancer Australia. Ovarian cancer is Australia's deadliest...
  • Migration (1 speech)
    The Albanese government is consciously making houses and rents more expensive. An immigration flood is worsening the housing crisis. New figures show that, instead of slowing down immigration as...
  • Gender Equality (1 speech)
    This week's Workplace Gender Equality Agency wages data shows that Australian women earn on average about 20 per cent less than men in companies with more than 100 staff. Professional services...
  • Ukraine (1 speech)
    I rise to commemorate the recent second anniversary of the illegal invasion by Russia of Ukraine. I don't know how many people here yesterday heard the Ukrainian ambassador, Vasyl Myroshnychenko,...
  • Alice Springs (3 speeches)
    A lot is happening in Alice Springs. I want to thank the residents of Alice Springs who've been involved with a number of events that are taking place. Most recently, the 31st Imparja Cup was...