Senate debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

  • E-Cigarettes and Vaping Products, Veterans Affairs (1 speech)
    I rise this afternoon to speak on two extremely important issues and two very different groups of Australians. I am speaking about vaping and veterans affairs. I have made it abundantly clear in...
  • Freedom of Speech (1 speech)
    Freedom of belief is not an optional extra in our society. Let me say that again: freedom of belief or freedom of religion is not an optional extra. It is a core part of who we are, what we...
  • Covid-19 (1 speech)
    In January 2017, on the day before Donald Trump was inaugurated, Anthony Fauci made the following statement in a speech at Georgetown University: … if there's one message that I want to...
  • Cost Of Living (1 speech)
    I rise to talk about the Albanese government's top priority: providing cost-of-living relief to Australian families. Our cost-of-living plan is providing relief in three critical ways. Firstly,...
  • Arts and Music Festivals Industry (1 speech)
    I rise today to call on the government to step in and help our artists and musicians, who are feeling the real brunt of the cost-of-living crisis. We've just heard the urgent and breaking news...
  • Digital ID Bill 2023 (1 speech)
    Life is about to change for every Australian. As much as Senator Gallagher seeks to downplay the significance of introducing one central digital identifier for each and every Australian, the...
  • Renewable Energy (1 speech)
    Our government is committed to unlocking the jobs of the future, and we're also committed to a future made in Australia. We're doing that right now in regional Queensland. A few weeks ago, I was...
  • Alice Springs (1 speech)
    I stand today very, very distressed at the circumstances that have taken place in my home-town community of Alice Springs. We are in such a dire situation. We have hit absolute crisis point....
  • Higher Education: Practical Placements, Building and Construction Industry (1 speech)
    This morning I had the pleasure of hosting a breakfast with academics, workers, students, the think tank Per Capita and the Australian Services Union to launch a new report and talk about the...
  • Australian Law Reform Commission (1 speech)
    I rise today to speak about the recommendations by the Australian Law Reform Commission on religious discrimination. These recommendations are an egregious attack on people of faith. That's what...
  • Government Accountability (2 speeches)
    Here we are at the end of another session of the parliament, the summer session in the Senate. There are so many things to talk about here. We can talk about transmission lines, the plight of our...
  • Domestic and Family Violence (1 speech)
    Senator Cadell, of course it's got worse in two years. You've probably seen the vision on your screens, whether that was a phone or a television screen, but try living it out in everyday life and...
  • Parkinson's Disease (1 speech)
    As co-chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Parkinson's it was my pleasure to host, along with Senator Askew, the National Summit to End Parkinson's disease last night at Parliament House....
  • Higher Education: Practical Placements (1 speech)
    Amidst the cost-of-living and rental crisis, placement poverty is pushing students to the absolute brink. Saddled with soaring student debt and paying ridiculously high course fees, students also...
  • South Australia: First Nations Voice to Parliament (1 speech)
    When the votes had stopped being counted, over 64 per cent of South Australians voted no to the national Voice referendum last October. But, despite this, the South Australian state government...
  • Easter (1 speech)
    Easter is the holiest time on the Christian calendar. It's not just a time for us to reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus, but it's also time for many of us to reflect on the meaning of...
  • Digital ID Bill 2023 (1 speech)
    One Nation opposes digital ID. Labor and its allies, the coalition and the Greens, are rushing nine laws through the Senate today with no debate or scrutiny, and One Nation opposed all of them on...
  • Brough, Councillor Thomas (1 speech)
    In a recent City of Albany council meeting on 27 February this year, Councillor Thomas Brough, a highly regarded councillor and emergency medicine doctor, briefly commented on the funding of the...
  • Women in Science (1 speech)
    I'm proud to be a member of a government that believes in science and especially one that supports women in science. In today's tech driven world, STEM skills are vital, and that's why our...
  • World Water Day (1 speech)
    World Water Day was on March 22, a global event to celebrate water and to raise awareness of the two billion people living without access to safe water. The theme for 2024 was 'water for peace',...
  • Albanese Government (3 speeches)
    The Albanese government has never seen a tax it did not want to flirt with. And it has never met a tax it did not want to take home. Of course, the Australian public do not take kindly to being...
  • Tasmania Football Club (1 speech)
    I stand here today as a proud foundation member of the Tasmania Football Club and very proud to wear the badge of that football club on my lapel. I would like to lend my congratulations to Grant...
  • Public Services (1 speech)
    Exeter market is now one of the biggest markets in Tassie. When I was there earlier this month, there were 190 stores and thousands of people. It's not a tourist market; it's a community market....
  • Tasmania State Election (1 speech)
    In the latest Tasmanian election Jacqui Lambie Network candidates ran on transparency and integrity. What we learned is that Tasmanians do not trust the Liberal and Labor parties any more. If you...
  • Migration Amendment (Removal and Other Measures) Bill 2024 (1 speech)
    I don't think that since PJ Keating was Prime Minister and referred to this chamber as 'unrepresentative swill' has a minister shown such disdain for the processes of this Senate. I saw Minister...
  • Tertiary Education (2 speeches)
    We're bringing Australia's universities closer to students living in regional, rural and remote areas with the expansion of our Regional University Study Hubs network. From King Island to Arnhem...