Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 May 2024


Australia's Disaster Resilience Select Committee, Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Community Affairs References Committee, Cost of Living Select Committee, Economics Legislation Committee, Economics References Committee, Education and Employment Legislation Committee, Education and Employment References Committee, Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Environment and Communications References Committee, Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee, Finance and Public Administration References Committee, Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee, Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee, Implementation of the National Redress Scheme — Joint Committee, Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, Perth Mint and Commonwealth Regulatory Compliance Select Committee, Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee, Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee, Selection of Bills Committee; Membership

5:40 pm

Photo of Marielle SmithMarielle Smith (SA, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

The President has received letters requesting changes in the membership of committees.

5:41 pm

Photo of Tim AyresTim Ayres (NSW, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Trade) Share this | | Hansard source

by leave—I move:

That senators be discharged from and appointed to committees as follows:

Australia's Disaster Resilience — Select Committee

Appointed—Participating member: Senator Hodgins-May

Community Affairs Legislation and References Committees —

Appointed—Participating member: Senator Hodgins-May

Cost of Living — Select Committee —

Appointed—Participating member: Senator Hodgins-May

Economics Legislation and References Committees —

Appointed—Participating member: Senator Hodgins-May

Education and Employment Legislation and References Committees —

Appointed—Participating member: Senator Hodgins-May

Environment and Communications Legislation Committee —


Substitute member: Senator Nampijinpa Price to replace Senator Cadell for the committee's inquiry into the Protecting the Spirit of Sea Country Bill 2023

Participating member: Senator Hodgins-May

Environment and Communications References Committee —


Substitute member: Senator McDonald to replace Senator Cadell for the committee's inquiry into the Middle Arm Industrial Precinct

Participating member: Senator Hodgins-May

Finance and Public Administration Legislation and References Committees —

Appointed—Participating member: Senator Hodgins-May

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation and References Committees —

Appointed—Participating member: Senator Hodgins-May

Implementation of the National Redress Scheme — Joint Standing Committee

Appointed—Participating member: Senator Hodgins-May

Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation and References Committees —

Appointed—Participating member: Senator Hodgins-May

Perth Mint — Select Committee —

Appointed—Participating member: Senator Hodgins-May

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee —

Appointed—Participating member: Senator Hodgins-May

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee —


Substitute member: Senator Hodgins-May to replace Senator Whish-Wilson for the committee's inquiry into the impact and mitigation of aircraft noise on residents and business

Participating members: Senators Hodgins-May and Whish-Wilson

Selection of Bills — Standing Committee —

Discharged—Senator Scarr

Appointed—Senator Kovacic.

Question agreed to.