Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

  • Discrimination (1 speech)
    'Antisemitism is being expressed more openly than at any other time in my lifetime': a phrase reportedly uttered by Prime Minister Albanese while addressing the Labor caucus yesterday. No level...
  • South Australia: Rural and Regional Health Services (1 speech)
    One of the great privileges that I get in this job is to spend a lot of time in regional South Australia—a world-renowned tourist destination, a food bowl and a growing economic powerhouse....
  • Environment (1 speech)
    Two weeks ago, the bulldozers rolled into the ancient woodlands at Lee Point in the Northern Territory—the home of the endangered gouldian finch and the eastern curlew. These bulldozers...
  • Grocery Prices (1 speech)
    During the break in sitting down here, we produced a number of committee reports. It was great to work on the Senate Select Committee on Supermarket Prices with so many across the chamber,...
  • Domestic and Family Violence (1 speech)
    Our country is hurting. We have a deadly crisis on our hands, and it is a crisis that is seeing women's lives cut short, often at the hands of men that they know. There has been a lot of...
  • Communications Legislation Amendment (Prominence and Anti-siphoning) Bill 2023 (1 speech)
    The Australian government has brought new laws before parliament that aim to keep sport free for all Australians to watch—except, let me be honest with you here: they do not do that. You...
  • Beef2024, Rockhampton: Infrastructure (1 speech)
    I want to take a moment to congratulate the team at Beef Australia who successfully put on a fantastic Beef2024—'beef week', so to speak—in Rockhampton last week. It was a very...
  • Kimberley Blak Pride Festival (1 speech)
    I rise today to celebrate the success of the inaugural Kimberley Blak Pride festival, held on the lands of the Djukan and Yawuru people in Broome, Western Australia. It took place from 26 April...
  • Oil and Gas Exploration (1 speech)
    This is a message to all those Australians out there—my tribe, surfers; divers; ocean lovers; communities right around the coastline of this big country—who've fought and rallied...
  • Homelessness (1 speech)
    How can we tackle homelessness when crucial developments are being knocked back? I was horrified last week when Hobart City Council voted against a development for social housing in North Hobart....
  • Orthodox Easter (1 speech)
    On 4 May I attended a Greek Orthodox service at the invitation of Archbishop Makarios, the head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Australia, and the president of the Kogarah parish, Nick Varvaris,...
  • Personal Information and Privacy (1 speech)
    Last weekend across every capital city, as well as in Cairns and Mackay in my home state of Queensland, thousands of Australians came out to protest this Labor government's Digital ID Bill and...
  • Violence against Women (1 speech)
    Violence against women is a national emergency, and this government, in the budget tonight, should fund it as such. As I've done for years now I'm going to read the names of women killed by...
  • Space Industry (1 speech)
    In all our Defence white papers, from the 2020 DSU through to last year's DSR and this year's NDS, it has been made clear to the Australian public that space is a new domain alongside air, land,...
  • Ukraine (2 speeches)
    It's now over two years since Russia began its illegal, full-scale invasion of Ukraine. While the media attention in Australia has waned in favour of more recent world events, the violence, the...