Senate debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024


Animal Welfare

7:40 pm

Photo of Mehreen FaruqiMehreen Faruqi (NSW, Australian Greens) Share this | | Hansard source

Indifference to the welfare of greyhounds is part and parcel of the racing and gambling industry. Across the country, we see deaths and injuries on and off tracks and exposure to cruel surgical artificial insemination. We also see the rehoming crisis as the industry continues to breed more and more dogs. Labor and Liberal governments remain indifferent to animal cruelty and the corrosive effects of the gambling industry on society.

The Northern Territory greyhound racing industry is no different. In 2021, an investigation into the Darwin Greyhound Association found that inadequate treatment of greyhounds was observed, particularly in relation to kennelling, as were unacceptably high rates of injury and euthanasia. One of the recommendations of the investigation was that a 'greyhounds as pets' system be set up with PAWS Darwin to rehome dogs. The disturbing allegations I have seen are in relation to this organisation. The Darwin Greyhound Association is aware of these allegations but, I understand, has done nothing to monitor the welfare of dogs that leave racing.

PAWS Darwin accepts ex-racing greyhounds for rehoming from the Darwin Greyhound Association, which, I understand, provides $2,000 to $3,000 per dog for rehoming. I have seen terrible allegations of animal neglect at PAWS which have led to the departure of staff and volunteers. For example, I understand that greyhounds at PAWS sleep at night on raised wooden platforms, which are unsuitable for their thin skin and low body fat. In some cases, this practice causes skin sores on greyhounds. This lack of bedding can be seen in videos posted on the PAWS Facebook group.

I've heard stories of dogs spending all staffed hours outside in the extreme heat in tropical Darwin, except during a storm. The entirely bitumen surface on which dogs spend their days heats up to extreme temperatures. Volunteers have reported having to carry greyhounds, which could no longer walk on the surface, back into their sleeping quarters. The sun shades that are meant to be protecting the surfaces have been torn down by other dogs. I've heard that almost every greyhound suffers some form of heat stress or exhaustion in PAWS Darwin. For one particular dog called Pepperberry, as a result of extreme heat stress, her trainer took her out of the shelter and back to his race kennels so that he could observe her and try to make sure she survived. This required significant intervention, including icing and being placed in an air-conditioned kennel. The video I have seen of Pepperberry shows her extremely distressed with her legs collapsing underneath her.

It is also alleged that the PAWS facility is being used to sell pure-bred puppies. These puppies are sometimes housed in the only area with air conditioning at PAWS, which is supposed to be reserved for sick animals. I'm told that many greyhounds that enter PAWS Darwin lose weight. This is the opposite of what should be happening when a dog leaves the racing and gambling industry. I understand there was a tick nest in the training room at PAWS for several months. Despite PAWS management claiming that it had been cleaned out, volunteers saw tick infested puppies after this had supposedly taken place. There was also an outbreak late last year of E. canis with several dogs infected, and these dogs were housed alongside healthy dogs with nothing but wire mesh between them.

I make this speech to urge the Northern Territory government to investigate the racing industry's rehoming programs. If PAWS is genuinely using the funding it receives and still has such terrible animal welfare outcomes, then there is clearly a problem. 'Out of sight, out of mind' won't cut it anymore. Ultimately, this all comes down to the greed of the Northern Territory government, who are interested only in betting revenue, not the welfare of these dogs. Ban this cruel industry once and for all.

President, I seek leave to table some photographic evidence which has been supplied to my office.

Leave not granted.