Senate debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Meeting (1 speech)
      If there are no objections, the meetings are authorised.
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Motions (0 speeches)
    • Middle East (11 speeches)
      I seek leave to move a motion relating to the 76th anniversary of the Nakba in 1948. Leave not granted. Pursuant to the contingent notice of motion standing in the name of Senator Waters, I move:...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Statements by Senators (0 speeches)
    • Budget (9 speeches)
      Labor has delivered a budget for all Australians—a budget that delivers a back-to-back surplus that will help reduce cost-of-living pressure and continues our commitment to improving the...
    • Veteran Mentors (1 speech)
      Through the chair, Senator McKenzie, let me tell you what else is really happening here to our Aussie kids that the government isn't dealing with because it does not want to. But I'll tell you...
    • Budget (7 speeches)
      Last night Jim Chalmers delivered a budget for every—
    • Migration (1 speech)
      Last night's budget by the Albanese government again revised its migration forecast up to 395,000 people. This is well underneath the figures that we have already had come into the country this...
    • World Hypertension Day (1 speech)
      17 May is World Hypertension Day. High blood pressure—hypertension—is a common condition that affects one in three Australian adults. That's around 6.8 million people. It's a...
    • People With Disability (1 speech)
      I would like to share the following statistics. Please remember that SA and DV are significantly underreported. The true figures are likely much higher. The disability royal commission found that...
    • Grocery Prices (1 speech)
      Australians are struggling now more than ever under this government. This is especially true when we pay for our groceries at the check-out. I had the privilege of recently sitting on the Senate...
    • Road Safety (1 speech)
      Governments across all levels and the broader community have their part to play in making sure that we get home safely, because road safety is a shared responsibility. The Albanese government is...
    • Digital ID Bill 2024 (2 speeches)
      The Australian people have spoken on Labor's dystopian digital ID legislation and firmly rejected it. Tomorrow I will table a petition signed by 65,724 people calling on the Senate to repeal this...
    • Live Animal Exports: Sheep (1 speech)
      I'm a senator from Western Australia and I grew up on a family farm which, for most of my life, has been in sheep production—including for live export. And that is why I say: 'Keep the...
    • Tasmania: Dress for Success (1 speech)
      I would like to commence by commending the fantastic organisation in Tasmania known as Dress for Success. It's a wonderful organisation that helps women get back into the workforce by providing...
    • FIFA Congress: Middle East (1 speech)
      On Friday, the 74th FIFA Congress will be taking place in Bangkok, with 211 member associations gathering to vote on key issues relating to the FIFA World Cup. The Palestinian Football...
    • Budget (1 speech)
      Cheap houses, cheap power bills, cheaper groceries and hope for the future—that's what a good budget should deliver. Treasurer Jim Chalmers's third budget fails to deliver on all of these...
    • Goods and Services Tax: Infrastructure (1 speech)
      The GST is a lifeblood for small jurisdictions to be able to deliver essential services, and Tasmania is no exception. In last night's budget, delivered by Treasurer Chalmers—his third...
    • Mental Health (1 speech)
      If budgets are about priorities, it's a sad day when we see $11 billion in fossil fuel subsidies and just one per cent of that going to new mental health funding—$111 million per year in...
    • Tasmania: Hospitals (1 speech)
      In most states, if the main hospital in their capital city cancelled life-saving surgeries because there were not enough beds available that day, people would probably be pretty shocked, but in...
    • Domestic and Family Violence (1 speech)
      'Repeat, repeat, repeat. Not response. Lacklustre. Underwhelming.' That was my response to reading and listening to the budget, and the sector is already saying the same thing. The budget failed...
    • Budget (2 speeches)
      I rise to congratulate the Labor Treasurer in the Albanese government, the Hon. Jim Chalmers, for a budget that is attending to the real challenges that Australians are facing right now but is...
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Budget (50 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. The following are some of the reactions from economists to the government's latest budget: This is the most...
    • Middle East (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Wong. Considering Gaza has been effectively controlled by a genocidal terrorist group which invaded Israel and murdered more than 1,200...
    • Budget (59 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. Can the minister confirm that a multimillionaire with a main residence and two holiday houses will receive the $300...
  • Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers (0 speeches)
    • Answers To Questions (10 speeches)
      I move: That the Senate take note of the answers given to questions without notice asked by coalition senators today. Last night there was a coronation: the crowning of Dr Jim Chalmers as the...
    • Budget (1 speech)
      I move: That the Senate take note of the answers given by the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Senator Wong) to questions without notice I asked today relating to fossil fuels. I note for the...
  • Business (0 speeches)
    • Leave of Absence (1 speech)
      by leave—I move: That leave of absence be granted to the following senators: (a) Senator McCarthy for 14 May 2024, for personal reasons; and (b) Senator Ayres for 16 May 2024, on account of...
  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Public Works Joint Committee; Reference (1 speech)
      I move: That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, the following proposed work be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works for...
  • Business (0 speeches)
    • Rearrangement (5 speeches)
      At the request of Senator Chisholm, I move: That— (a) the provisions of standing order 115(3) not apply to the Administrative Review Tribunal Bill 2024 and related bills; and (b) on...
  • Committees (0 speeches)
  • Documents (0 speeches)
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Documents (0 speeches)
  • Matters of Public Importance (0 speeches)
    • Budget (14 speeches)
      A letter has been received from Senator McGrath: Pursuant to standing order 75, I propose that the following matter of public importance be submitted to the Senate for discussion: The 2024-25...
  • Matters of Urgency (0 speeches)
    • Great Barrier Reef (24 speeches)
      I inform the Senate that the President has received the following letter, dated 15 May 2024, from Senator McKim: Pursuant to standing order 75, I give notice that today the Australian Greens...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Adjournment (0 speeches)
    • Budget (1 speech)
      We know that Australians are doing it tough. The cost-of-living pressures have been mounting for years, and this is not a crisis that has suddenly emerged. It didn't just erupt in the last five...
    • People's Republic of China (1 speech)
      I rise tonight to speak about the revelation that six Australian members of parliament and senators, myself included, were personally targeted by a PRC state sponsored hacking group. As members...
    • Animal Welfare (1 speech)
      Indifference to the welfare of greyhounds is part and parcel of the racing and gambling industry. Across the country, we see deaths and injuries on and off tracks and exposure to cruel surgical...
    • Holocaust Remembrance Day, Antisemitism (2 speeches)
      In my hand, President, is a Jewish memorial candle, or, as it's called in Yiddish, a yahrzeit candle. It's usually lit on the anniversary of a loved one's passing, but, on Sunday 5 May, it was...
    • Antisemitism, Freedom of Speech (1 speech)
      I too rise to share the concern about the rise in antisemitism around the world, including here in Australia. I note, in the current context, where people are concerned about whether or not we're...
    • Middle East: Protests (1 speech)
      I too rise to speak about current events in Gaza and protests in our universities. Increasingly, we are seeing those who oppose the unfolding genocide in Gaza labelled antisemitic. There is no...