Senate debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024

  • World Health Organization (1 speech)
    Starting on the 27th of this month, member states of the World Health Organization, including Australia, will meet for the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, where they will consider...
  • Superannuation (1 speech)
    When the Liberal and National parties start talking about superannuation, you know it's not a good sign. When they were in government they undermined the system by ignoring billions of dollars in...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    This week's budget saw the government prioritise fossil fuels, property developers and defence over truth and treaty, increasing income support, and frontline family and domestic violence...
  • Western Australia: Industry (1 speech)
    WA Labor MPs should be hanging their heads in shame this week. In a week that confirmed just how dependent Australia is on Western Australia's traditional industries, we learnt, in one day, how...
  • Budget (3 speeches)
    I rise to congratulate all the early childhood educators in this country, who have been campaigning for respect and recognition for their absolutely essential work in the Big Steps campaign:...
  • McMillan, Ms Emily (1 speech)
    It is my pleasure to rise today and place on the parliamentary record news of the recent election of my friend Emily McMillan to the position of assistant national secretary of the mighty...
  • Sri Lanka (1 speech)
    This Sunday, hundreds will gather at the town hall in Sydney to mark and acknowledge that it's 15 years since the brutal Mullivaikkal massacre that occurred during the closing stages of the war...
  • Domestic and Family Violence (1 speech)
    Every nine days a woman is murdered by a current or former partner. Countless more are assaulted, hurt, raped, scared, trapped. Although black women are the most impacted by this violence, we are...
  • Middle East (1 speech)
    Most of us in this place are aware that on 7 October the worst pogrom since the Holocaust occurred in Israel. We saw Israel attacked, a music festival and kibbutzim the scene of the most violent...
  • Slovakia, Democracy (1 speech)
    Overnight the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, was shot in an attempted assassination. He's in a critical condition. On behalf of One Nation, I send our prayers to the Prime Minister and...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    Labor's budget betrays all of those in Australia who are doing it tough. Instead of tackling the housing crisis in affordability, increasing JobSeeker and fully funding the frontline services...
  • Fuel Security (1 speech)
    As most, if not all, senators in here will know, I have an abiding interest in national security. One of our greatest vulnerabilities with regard to our national security is fuel security....
  • Budget (1 speech)
    Over the last two years I've had the privilege of travelling across the regions in my home state of Victoria and talking to our diverse communities. In the Mallee I've met passionate people who...
  • Attorney-General (2 speeches)
    Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus is getting that rare distinction of making Lionel Murphy look like a half-decent Attorney-General! This is the Attorney-General who is spending a billion dollars to...