Senate debates

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Statements by Senators


1:30 pm

Photo of Matt O'SullivanMatt O'Sullivan (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

The recent rise of antisemitism on university campuses masquerading as activism is disgraceful. During Senate estimates, we heard from representatives from the Australian National University. ANU—which is home to 6½ thousand students, many of whom who are Jewish and Israeli—has become a site of a pro-Palestinian and anti-Jewish encampment over the past two months. Imagine what it's like for a Jewish student to stumble across a short clip online of antisemitic protests from the safety of their home. It may be upsetting to see, but at least they have the option of turning off their device. Now picture stepping outside your front door to find the protestors camped out on your front lawn and refusing to leave for two months. This is the reality that Jewish students face at ANU: navigating through antisemitism every day, even before their morning classes.

ANU's Vice-Chancellor Professor Bell stated that campus protests must be peaceful and respectful. Jewish students at ANU have reported Nazi salutes, Hitler impersonations and hateful antisemitic comments. Such behaviour is far from peaceful and respectful. These students are 18, 19 and 20 years of age. They're kids. They shouldn't have to deal with this kind of horrible racial and religious rhetoric. ANU has shown it can relocate protests for safety reasons, yet it seems that the social, emotional and mental health safety and wellbeing of Jewish students are not even being considered.

The right to protest should never be a cover for intimidation, racism or religious discrimination. Being bombarded with hateful imagery and feeling like an outcast at home is neither peaceful nor respectful. It is not the Australian way.