Senate debates

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

  • Antisemitism (1 speech)
    The recent rise of antisemitism on university campuses masquerading as activism is disgraceful. During Senate estimates, we heard from representatives from the Australian National University....
  • First Nations: Early Childhood Education and Care (1 speech)
    While most of us take access to early childhood education and care for granted, sadly, this is not the case for many Indigenous children and families. As a former early childhood educator, I'm...
  • Donations to Political Parties (1 speech)
    The South Australian Labor government just announced its intention to ban donations to political parties. The Greens have long called for comprehensive donations reform to get the influence of...
  • Great Barrier Reef Aquarium (1 speech)
    Every regional town and city in Australia has a landmark, whether man-made or created by nature, which defines it, which locals will insist visitors take a look at, which is the jewel in the...
  • International Day of Play (1 speech)
    Every single child deserves every opportunity to reach their greatest potential, and one of the most foundational aspects of raising healthy children is play. That's why, on 11 June, we...
  • Taxation (1 speech)
    It's tax time again, and I am glad that those rejigged stage 3 tax cuts will finally start kicking in and giving some relief to low- and middle-income Australian families—but only just, I...
  • Discrimination (1 speech)
    I was shocked and saddened to hear of a shocking incident just last week where a Tibetan community leader in Perth was assaulted—punched in the chest—after attempting to fly the...
  • Bridge Hotel Forth (1 speech)
    Within my duty electorate of Braddon is the picturesque town of Forth. Forth has a population of just 738 residents, and in the heart of the town stands the Bridge Hotel. The Bridge Hotel was...
  • Forestry Industry (1 speech)
    I recently joined dozens of peaceful activists and forest defenders on a canoe and kayak flotilla on the Arthur River. We gathered together to protest the destruction of coupe FR002A. That coupe...
  • Climate Change (1 speech)
    There has been a lot of talk about the cost of energy over the last couple of weeks, but the key to reducing bills is household electrification—rooftop solar, batteries, electric appliances...
  • Tasmania: Mountford Berries, Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Scheme (1 speech)
    Next time you're at the supermarket picking up a punnet of berries, look at the label. If they're Driscoll's, it's quite likely they are from a farm in northern Tasmania. I was pleased to have...
  • Housing (1 speech)
    The housing and rent crisis is a national tragedy. In Australia, one of the richest countries in the world for resources, we have working families homeless, sleeping in their cars or under...
  • Climate Change (2 speeches)
    Labor and the Liberals are both climate wreckers. How many more bushfires, floods and heatwaves must the world suffer? How much more loss of wildlife, damage to our ecosystems and destruction of...
  • Yarkuwa Indigenous Knowledge Centre, Taxation (1 speech)
    I rise today to speak on the Yarkuwa Indigenous Knowledge Centre, located in the beautiful town of Deniliquin in my duty seat of Farrer. Last week I stopped by to talk to David Crew and his team...
  • Great Barrier Reef (2 speeches)
    Today is a very good day to be the Special Envoy for the Great Barrier Reef, because we know that the Great Barrier Reef is home to precious marine life, supports thousands of jobs and is a...