Senate debates

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

  • ISLAND Clinic (1 speech)
    I was fortunate enough to recently visit the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre, the Wicking centre, which is part of the University of Tasmania. The Wicking centre, founded in 2008,...
  • Housing (1 speech)
    The Help to Buy scheme is one of the Labor government's central housing policies, and we have seen this week the new Minister for Housing talk about Help to Buy as one of the centrepieces of...
  • New South Wales: Local Government Elections, Defence Industry, Immigration Detention (1 speech)
    Across my home state of New South Wales as we speak, local council elections are happening. My party, the Greens, is running some 377 council candidates and 21 mayoral candidates across 61...
  • Energy (1 speech)
    This afternoon I rise to support the wonderful work being done by the community of Collie towards a just transition—work supported by the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union. Collie is a...
  • Israel: Attacks, Queensland Election (1 speech)
    I want to remind the Senate and the country about the atrocities that took place on 7 October, when we saw the largest massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust. Since then, more than 200...
  • Banking and Financial Services (1 speech)
    The Australian newspaper reported on 29 August that 'a government owned bank created out of Australia Post is understood to be back on the Labor government's agenda' and that it is 'seen as a...
  • Health Care (1 speech)
    We know that Labor made Medicare and it's only a Labor government that will strengthen and protect it. That is exactly what our government is doing right across the country but especially in...
  • Water Infrastructure (1 speech)
    I rise today to speak about the lack of water infrastructure being built in this country and the distraction by both state and federal governments away from talking about it. I note that over the...
  • Road Transport Industry (1 speech)
    Last Friday, I had the privilege of chairing a national road transport industry round table here in parliament. Thirty-seven industry leaders from right across the road transport sector came...
  • Cybersafety (1 speech)
    The government is going to legislate the banning of children from social media in order to protect them from harm. Is anyone in this place really buying this? If this government was really...
  • Tasmania: Education (1 speech)
    Whenever a government, any government, wants to avoid expert advice, they commission their own inquiry. That's exactly what the Tasmanian Liberal government did when there were calls for a...
  • Water (1 speech)
    I rise to speak with a bit of a wake-up call for stakeholders, river managers and state governments. On 28 June this year, water ministers met to discuss the release of the Productivity...
  • Smith, Mr Ian (1 speech)
    Today I stand here to honour the memory of a very dear friend of mine and a wonderful South Australian, Ian Smith, who passed away in July this year. In doing so, my thoughts are with Ian's wife,...
  • Middle East (1 speech)
    'We were all asleep and then suddenly everything was turned upside down. The colour of the sky changed. The sky was filled with screams, crying and the sound of ambulances.' That was how an...
  • Agriculture Industry (1 speech)
    My parents were farmers. My grandparents were farmers. My great-grandparents were farmers. If you go to my office, you will see an old milk can and you'll see some old K-knives up on the wall. So...
  • Wages (1 speech)
    Young people in the workforce have many advantages. It builds skills, responsibility and confidence and it introduces these fine young people to managing their own finances. That's why it's so...
  • Australian Society (6 speeches)
    It was 28 years ago yesterday that I made my first speech in this building as the member for Oxley. It was eight years ago today that I made my first speech in the Senate. It would be an...
  • International Students (1 speech)
    I am calling on the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Treasury to stop misrepresenting the export value of international students. Foreign students pay $13 billion in tuition fees and are...
  • Labor Government (1 speech)
    Today I rise to address an oft-forgotten segment of our society. I speak of generation Z, who will be playing a substantial role in the next election, and generation alpha, who will start to come...
  • Watson, Mr Paul Franklin (1 speech)
    That was a very skibidi speech, Senator Payman. Around the world, for far too long, environmentalists have been persecuted, assaulted and, in some cases, tragically, murdered just for defending...
  • National Farmers Federation: Protests (1 speech)
    Yesterday on the lawns out the front of this place, our nation's farmers assembled to show the government that they have had enough. Many drove their trucks for thousands of kilometres to be...
  • Cybersafety (1 speech)
    Prime Minister Albanese says his government will impose a ban on younger teenagers and children using social media, but it's not going to happen for a while. It may be even as long as two years....
  • Housing (1 speech)
    I know what it's like to be on the waitlist for public housing. I was a single mum and a carer for my nephew, and I had a very tight budget. I know the value of having somewhere safe to live that...
  • Aukus (1 speech)
    In five days time the AUKUS agreement will be three years old, but, in the last 36 months, all we've really got from AUKUS is the cancellation of other needed defence programs so that Australian...
  • Paris Paralympic Games (1 speech)
    Eighteen gold, 17 silver and 28 bronze medals: after competing for 11 days, Australia's Paralympic team has made Australia extremely proud of them, finishing in the top ten in the world. There's...
  • Australian Services Union (1 speech)
    Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting with Ella, Jo and Sheila, who work in housing and homelessness, financial counselling and family and domestic violence from my home state of Victoria. They...
  • Labor Government (2 speeches)
    I'm very pleased to talk today about all the great things the Labor government is doing to make sure that you can keep more of what you earn and earn more of what you deserve—blah, blah,...