House debates

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Constituency Statements

Bowman Electorate: Stronger Communities Program

9:54 am

Photo of Henry PikeHenry Pike (Bowman, Liberal National Party) Share this | | Hansard source

The Redlands is strengthened by countless local community and sporting organisations run by passionate volunteers who dedicate thousands of hours to their clubs, churches and community hubs. The benefit the people of my community receive from these organisations is immeasurable. It's why the previous coalition government committed to support these groups through the Stronger Communities Program. These grants were provided for small capital projects that delivered social benefits for local communities. This funding has enabled many local projects and initiatives that simply would not have otherwise been possible.

Under the coalition government, the Stronger Communities Program delivered a total of $1.2 million in invaluable funding to community and sporting organisations within the Redlands over the last eight years. In the last year I have been proud to support many investments in the Redlands, with $17,000 for VMR Victoria Point to upgrade their navigation device, $8,360 for the Redlands Community Centre's new photocopier and printer and $10,000 for the Cage Youth Foundation's new ride-on mower. The Straddie Sharks rugby league club received $20,000 towards shade coverings around their oval, $20,000 went to the Point Lookout Surf Life Saving Club to contribute towards their new patrol vehicle and $14,000 went to the Redlands Church of Christ for shade sails for the children's play equipment and improvements to the community meeting rooms. The Redlands Special Olympics received $3,900 to purchase new basketball equipment and uniforms, $4,600 want to St Vincent de Paul Cleveland to purchase and install a new CCTV system, $16,000 went to the mighty Redlands Tigers Cricket Club for improvements to their clubhouse and $8,000 went to help fund a bathroom renovation at the Macleay Island Progress Association. Amity Point Community Club received $14,730 to replace the balustrade on the club's first-floor deck, $4,510 went to the Multicap Capalaba Community Hub to upgrade their projector and outdoor space, $5,000 went to the Redlands Pickleball Club for purchase of club equipment and a defibrillator and $3,900 went to the Redland Bay Cyclones rugby club to purchase vital first-aid equipment.

Despite the success of this program for the Redlands and for Australia, the Labor government is cutting this program entirely. In doing so, they are saying that the needs of organisations in my electorate do not matter. They're saying that investment in community organisations across Australia does not matter. For these organisations to flourish, they need certainty to plan projects that benefit our local communities. Stronger Communities provided a guarantee of funding that was specifically earmarked for our communities. The government's decision removes this guarantee and creates uncertainty for these community groups. I call on the Labor government to reverse the decision.