House debates

Thursday, 21 March 2024

  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Appropriations and Administration Committee; Report (1 speech)
      On behalf of the Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration, I present the committee's Annual report 2022-23: report No. 27. Report made a parliamentary paper in accordance with...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Public Works Joint Committee; Approval of Work (1 speech)
      I move: That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, it is expedient to carry out the following proposed work which was referred to the Parliamentary Standing...
    • Law Enforcement Joint Committee; Report (2 speeches)
      On behalf of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement, I present the committee's report on the committee visit to the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation. Report made a...
    • Intelligence and Security Joint Committee; Report (1 speech)
      On behalf of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, I present the following reports: Advisory report on the amendments made by the Australian Citizenship Amendment...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Motions (0 speeches)
  • Statements by Members (0 speeches)
    • Dragon Boat Pumicestone Inc. (1 speech)
      Recently, I had the pleasure of attending Dragon Boat Pumicestone's first birthday celebrations. Dragon boating in Australia was started by one of my local constituents, Michelle Hanton AOM, as a...
    • Nowruz (1 speech)
      I rise today to extend warm wishes to the Afghan committee in my electorate of Holt and beyond as they celebrate Nowruz, the Afghan new year. Nowruz is a time of renewable, hope and joy for...
    • Roads (1 speech)
      I'm pleased to inform the House that construction is about to commence on the long awaited upgrade to the busy intersection of Walter Padbury Boulevard and Hepburn Avenue, including the Lilburne...
    • Witanowski, Mr Daniel (1 speech)
      Today I rise to commend Mr Daniel Witanowski, who has been awarded a 10 year long service medal for his involvement with the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award. Mr Witanowski is a teacher at...
    • Roads (1 speech)
      Last Friday, the town of Rutherglen in my electorate of Indi experienced a shocking accident right in the centre of town. A B-double truck ploughed into a parked car and knocked down a power pole...
    • Harmony Week (1 speech)
      Harmony Week runs from 18 March to 24 March and today, March 21, is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Harmony Week is a celebration of inclusiveness and respect,...
    • Universities (1 speech)
      In May last year, along with members of the crossbench, I raised concerns with the Minister of Education at the unfair timing and indexation for CPI of HECS debts. 10 months on, nothing has...
    • Didi Bahini Samaj Victoria (1 speech)
      Australia has one of the highest rates of domestic violence against women among developed countries. The Albanese Labor government is working tirelessly to address this, and today I want to...
    • Othman, Ms Falak (1 speech)
      I'm delighted to be able to recognise an impressive young lady in my electorate, 19-year-old Falak Othman. Falak and her family fled war in Syria for Iraq in 2012 and came to Australia in 2017....
    • International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Harmony Week (1 speech)
      As a nation, we find it difficult to talk about racism. It's no different for me. Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It prompts me to remember the first...
    • Parkes Electorate (1 speech)
      At the moment, the people in my electorate are under attack. They're not under attack from flood or drought or pestilence. They're under attack from the elected government of this country. At the...
    • International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Reid Electorate: Community Events (1 speech)
      The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, or Harmony Day, is a day for us to do two things. It's a day to recognise the part we all play in stamping out racism and in...
    • Green, Ms Sienna (1 speech)
      I rise today to honour an exceptional talent in the form of a tenacious, hardworking and dedicated 26-year-old woman from my part of the world, Sienna Green. Sienna is a third-generation...
    • Cost of Living (1 speech)
      The Albanese government's No. 1 priority is addressing inflation and cost-of-living pressures. As the member for Lalor, I know how hard people are doing it in the community that I represent. But...
    • Energy (1 speech)
      The champagne corks were popping, over in the ministerial wing, when the default market offer reductions were announced. But—hey presto!—it's only $1 a week, when Ausgrid's fees have...
    • Nuclear Energy (1 speech)
      I want to address the radioactive rhetoric by the Liberals and Nationals, because, after nearly 10 years in government and almost 70 years since they first raised it in parliament, the Liberals...
    • Mobile Black Spot Program (1 speech)
      I am sure that all members of this House are very much looking forward to the release, shortly, by the Auditor-General of his inquiry into round 6 of the Mobile Black Spot Program. Everyone will...
    • Lymphoedema (1 speech)
      Yesterday we welcomed lymphoedema advocates to Parliament House, including the South Australian Local Hero of 2022, Monique Bareham, and the CEO of Lift Cancer Care Services, Lauren Whiting from...
    • Services Australia (1 speech)
      The performance of Services Australia is getting worse and worse under the member for Maribyrnong. The latest figures came out in Senate estimates in February. Call wait times continue to...
    • Gender Equality (2 speeches)
      Recently I hosted an event for International Women's Day, with my special guest and good friend the honourable Minister for the Environment and Water. The theme for International Women's Day was...
  • Condolences (0 speeches)
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Economy (2 speeches)
      It's hard to follow from what we've just heard, but my question is to the Treasurer. Since the election, the adult population has increased by over a million people. Meanwhile, homebuilding...
    • Defence: United Kingdom (4 speeches)
      My question is to the Deputy Prime Minister. How is the Albanese Labor government progressing our defence cooperation with the United Kingdom to keep all Australian safe?
    • Migration (6 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. In the year ending 30 September 2023, net overseas migration was 548,800 people, which is an increase of 206,500, a 60 per cent increase, from the previous...
    • Employment (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. What are today's jobs figures, and what do they mean for the Albanese Labor government's economic strategy? What approaches have been rejected?
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Universities (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Unlike you and I did, today's students don't enjoy free university, and students across the country are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. Student...
    • Workplace Relations (6 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations. What has been the response to the Albanese Labor government's workplace relations reforms, which have helped Australians...
    • Economy (4 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Isn't the true story behind today's data that people are working harder for longer because they can't afford to pay their bills under this government's...
    • Aged Care (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Aged Care. How is the Albanese Labor government helping aged-care workers earn more and keep more what they earn? What impact are the government's policies...
    • Immigration Detention (3 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs. One of the hard-core criminals the Albanese government released from immigration detention has been revealed...
    • Administrative Appeals Tribunal (4 speeches)
      My question is to the Attorney-General. Why is reform of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal so vital?
    • Economy (12 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. I refer to the Prime Minister's previous answer, telling Australians that they have never had it so good. Prime Minister, isn't it the case that...
    • Gender Equality (2 speeches)
      My question is for the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, representing the Minister for Women. Why is it important to have women in the room where...
    • Environment (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for the Environment and Water. Minister, last year you expanded the water trigger in our national environment laws so all forms of unconventional gas were covered...
    • International Relations: Australia and China (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. In light of the Chinese foreign minister's visit to Australia, what progress has been made in stabilising the relationship between our two countries?
  • Parliamentary Office Holders (0 speeches)
    • Speaker's Panel (1 speech)
      Pursuant to standing order 17, I lay on the table my warrant revoking the nomination of the honourable member for Sturt to be a member of the Speaker's panel.
  • Documents (0 speeches)
    • Australian Law Reform Commission; Presentation (1 speech)
      I present the Australian Law Reform Commission's summary report and final report into religious educational institutions and antidiscrimination laws. On indulgence—No Australian should be...
  • Matters of Public Importance (0 speeches)
    • Energy (24 speeches)
      I have received a letter from the honourable member for Lindsay proposing that a definite matter of public importance be submitted to the House for discussion, namely: The energy affordability...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Adjournment (0 speeches)
    • Cost of Living (1 speech)
      There's no doubt that the cost of living is one of the biggest issues facing Australians today. We've seen price hikes for fresh produce and petrol, for groceries and energy and for insurance and...
    • Boyle, Dr Christopher (Chris) (1 speech)
      Recently our legendary local GP, Dr Chris Boyle, celebrated a remarkable anniversary at the Raymond Terrace Family Medical Practice. Dr Boyle has been there for 40 years. He started practising...
    • Multicultural Australia (1 speech)
      I am proud to represent the electorate of Bradfield, which is a very diverse electorate, reflecting the fact that it is part of a nation which is very diverse. That diversity is demonstrated and...
    • Energy, Eating Disorders (1 speech)
      I'm very aware that energy bills are causing pain for many small businesses and households in the Blue Mountains and Hawkesbury. There is some hope in the draft default market offer that's just...
    • Forde Electorate: Quota Beenleigh, Forde Electorate: Logan Artists Association, Petterwood, Mr Lindley (1 speech)
      We all have many wonderful community organisations across our electorates. I'd like to take the opportunity today to acknowledge the work of Quota Beenleigh. I had the pleasure of attending their...
    • Middle East, Tibet (1 speech)
      We are on the cusp of Holy Week for thousands of Christians across Canberra. Last week, thousands of people across Canberra marked the beginning of Ramadan, a month in which Muslims put...
  • Constituency Statements (0 speeches)
    • Migration (1 speech)
      Every year, before the budget, I write to the Treasurer. Often, I sit down with the Treasurer and talk about the challenges in my community. This year as I compile my letter—a very lengthy...
    • Castellorizian Association of NSW, Davis, Mr Ian (1 speech)
      Last month, I joined members of the local Greek community to celebrate 100 years of the Castellorizian Association of NSW. The island of Kastellorizo in Greece shares a special place in the...
    • Stewart, Ms Clare (1 speech)
      At the recent Queensland local government elections, Noosa mayor Clare Stewart stepped down from her role after an exemplary term in office. Noosa is a prospering, vibrant, resilient and dynamic...
    • East Malvern RSL, Universities (1 speech)
      My first visit to East Malvern RSL was on Anzac Day for a dawn service attended by hundreds of people, young and old. I saw for myself the vital role they play in our community in providing a...
    • Western Australia: Renewable Energy (1 speech)
      The Labor government is proposing—and, from what I'm seeing, is absolutely determined—to build a massive 7,500-square-kilometre offshore wind farm in Geographe Bay, in the waters off...
    • May, Mr Jason, Naven, Ms Libby (1 speech)
      I rise to acknowledge Jason May, a proud Wiradjuri man on the New South Wales Central Coast. Jason is the joint owner of Bawamarra Cultural Services in Lisarow, which has taken out the Indigenous...
    • Education (1 speech)
      Australia is one of the world's most successful multicultural nations. It's in our DNA to celebrate everything that binds us together. That's what makes us Australian. But, equally as important,...
    • Whitlam Electorate: Renewable Energy (1 speech)
      Our government is committed to making Australia a global renewable energy superpower. Since coming to government, and after a decade of delayed action from those opposite on climate change and on...
    • Bowman Electorate: Stronger Communities Program (1 speech)
      The Redlands is strengthened by countless local community and sporting organisations run by passionate volunteers who dedicate thousands of hours to their clubs, churches and community hubs. The...
    • Adelaide Jaguars Women's Soccer Club (2 speeches)
      The Adelaide Jaguars are the largest female-only soccer club in South Australia, with over 350 members, 75 volunteers and a broader community of over 1,000 supporters, which is pretty impressive...
  • Condolences (0 speeches)
    • White, Senator Linda (12 speeches)
      I speak today with much sadness to reflect on, remember and pay tribute to the remarkable life of Senator Linda White, a true champion of workers and a tireless advocate for the rights of women...
  • Adjournment (0 speeches)
    • Asylum Seekers (1 speech)
      Today I want to share a story of a young man in my electorate who came to Australia as an asylum seeker who has had his life sitting in limbo since. These are his words: My name is Mohammed...
    • Middle East (1 speech)
      It has been more than six months since the horrific 7 October attacks committed by the terrorist organisation Hamas. It has been six months of pain, despair and anxiety for the families of the...
    • Toowoomba Sports Ground (1 speech)
      Whilst the recent review by Graham Quirk into Olympic funding largely focused its attention on Brisbane and what stadium is going to be used, the other big story locally for us is that the...
    • Tropical Cyclone Megan (1 speech)
      We are used to weather emergencies in the Northern Territory and the Indian Ocean Territories, but, once again, Mother Nature has shocked us with the sudden ferocity of her power. We are reminded...