House debates

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Constituency Statements

Adelaide Jaguars Women's Soccer Club

9:57 am

Photo of Mark ButlerMark Butler (Hindmarsh, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Health and Aged Care) Share this | | Hansard source

The Adelaide Jaguars are the largest female-only soccer club in South Australia, with over 350 members, 75 volunteers and a broader community of over 1,000 supporters, which is pretty impressive considering they had only 70 members five years ago. The club was started by Craig Schoof in 2009 due to the lack of opportunities he saw for his daughters to play soccer at existing clubs. With his vision to ensure women and girls are the club's absolute priority, the club also endeavours to promote a social community for women and girls as well as the health benefits that women and girls gain from being involved in sports. The club has named their Annual Spirit of the Jags Award after Craig, who sadly passed away last year. Craig will also be honoured with the unveiling of a plaque at Jubilee Reserve in May this year.

The Adelaide Jaguars have provided an opportunity for women and girls to play soccer in Adelaide in a female-friendly and -focused environment. Members have come from all over Adelaide and as far away as Port Lincoln and even Mildura to join the team. The Jaguars' reputation is so strong that international students have chosen to study a tertiary education in Adelaide just so they can join and play for the Jags. Some of the club's older members have joined to experience the fun of team sports and had never played or even considered playing soccer prior to discovering the Adelaide Jaguars.

Unsurprisingly, the club has received a huge amount of interest from community members since the Women's World Cup. Many of the players have gone on to join the Junior Matildas camp, demonstrating the club 's ability to produce high-performing players.

Club chairperson Bronny Brooks won the 2023 Westfield Local Hero Award for her work in expanding the club and improving the standing of women's and girls' soccer in our community. Club coach Cameron Staker received a volunteer recognition award in 2023 for his efforts coaching three under-11 teams and two adult community teams. Jules Maio also received a volunteer recognition award for his work cooking for more than eight teams regularly after Wednesday training as well as coordinating club volunteers. In 2022, the club won the City of Charles Sturt Club of the Year Award.

Currently all junior players who join the club enjoy access to all Adelaide United women's games, to see their heroes play at the top level. The Jaguars are currently seeking a permanent home base in Adelaide's western suburbs, and over 40 members, parents and coaches recently came out to my street-corner meetings in West Beach to show their passion for a permanent home. The Jaguars have had to recently turn away over 100 players due to their lack of a physical home. This terrific club deserves its own home, and I look forward to doing all that I can help it find one.

Photo of Bridget ArcherBridget Archer (Bass, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

In accordance with standing order 193, the time for members' constituency statements has concluded.