House debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

  • Energy: Taxation (1 speech)
    One day our children and grandchildren will look back at how we have taxed fossil fuel companies in Australia and see it as the complete joke that it is. Our main fossil fuel tax collects $88 per...
  • Anzac Day (1 speech)
    On 25 April we gathered across Australia to honour the spirit of our Anzacs. It is a day etched into the fabric of our collective memory—a day of remembrance, reflection and reverence for...
  • Hughes Electorate: Local Industries (1 speech)
    My electorate of Hughes has some fabulous local industries operating in an innovative and entrepreneurial way to address our current pollution and environmental sustainability challenges as well...
  • Einfeld, Emeritus Professor Stewart (1 speech)
    Last week in Campbelltown, in my electorate of Macarthur, I attended the dedication of a sensory room to Stewart Einfeld, emeritus professor at the Brain and Mind Centre at the University of...
  • Shelly, Ms Brooke (1 speech)
    Today I rise to highlight a shining example of professional excellence and commitment to regional health in my electorate of Mallee. Brooke Shelly, from Mildura, has been awarded the 2024...
  • Rabey, Ms Natalie, Chisholm Electorate: Rinoldi (1 speech)
    I'm here today to pay tribute to Natalie Rabey, a selfless and fierce community advocate who passed away on 16 March. Natalie was a wonderful, generous woman. She was devoted to helping others...
  • Cyclone Debbie (1 speech)
    I rise today to highlight a fantastic event that just happened in my electorate of Dawson. With swords drawn, with bayonets fixed, with drums beating, with the band playing and with banners...
  • Meals on Wheels (1 speech)
    Just recently in this building we celebrated the 70th anniversary of Meals on Wheels. I was very proud to co-sponsor the event with my parliamentary colleague and co-chair of Parliamentary...
  • Domestic and Family Violence (1 speech)
    May marks Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This is a time when we come together to shine a spotlight on a pervasive issue that affects the lives of far too many people in our community....
  • Budget (2 speeches)
    The Albanese Labor government is deeply committed to supporting families in Melbourne's northern suburbs. We've been listening and we are acting, making a difference today and working to secure a...