House debates

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

  • Immigration Detention (1 speech)
    Bosco Minyrano, 22 years old, was stabbed and murdered in Brisbane by domestic violence offender and convicted Sudanese national, Emmanuel Saki. Saki's visa was reinstated by the AAT as a direct...
  • Wood, Mr Bill, AM (1 speech)
    On 19 May, Canberra lost one of its great citizens: Bill Wood, former minister in the ACT government, was 88 years old. Bill had a distinguished political career. The son of a leader of the...
  • Wilcannia: Water Security (1 speech)
    Wilcannia is a town in the Parkes electorate. It's on the banks of the Darling River and it's a town with a wonderful heritage. The people of Wilcannia have been promised a weir to improve the...
  • Radio Italia Uno (1 speech)
    Last Saturday evening, South Australian community radio broadcaster Radio Italia Uno 87.6 FM celebrated its 10th anniversary with a gala dinner event held at the McLachlan Room at Adelaide Oval...
  • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (1 speech)
    One of the main reasons I ran for parliament was my concern that our generation's legacy would be to bestow a much degraded environment and much reduced biodiversity on the generations to come....
  • Budget (1 speech)
    The Albanese Labor government understands that Australians are doing it tough right now, and our No. 1 priority is easing cost-of-living pressures. We're building on the measures already put in...
  • Taxation (1 speech)
    Who do you think that we should help more—a young person who can't afford to buy a home, can't find a rental and can't pay off their HECS debt or multinational companies earning...
  • Health Care (1 speech)
    Few policy areas are more important to my constituents than health, and front and centre of health policy in Australia is the PBS, bulk-billing and Medicare. With that in mind, I was delighted by...
  • National Volunteer Week (1 speech)
    Last week was National Volunteer Week, and, on Friday 24 May, I had the distinct pleasure of attending and presenting the FNQ Volunteer of the Year Awards at the Novatel in Cairns. It was a...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    In little more than 33 days, when the clock strikes midnight, millions of Australians will begin to feel the benefits of the Albanese Labor government's tax plan. Under Labor, Australians are...
  • Women's Legal Service WA (1 speech)
    Never has there been a greater need to provide support services for vulnerable women experiencing family violence. I recently visited the Women's Legal Service WA, a community legal centre...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    This budget reflects the government's focus both on providing short-term cost-of-living relief and investing in the future. The short-term relief is material but also targeted and proportionate,...
  • Lyne Electorate: Community Events (1 speech)
    I congratulate the Killabakh community, who came together for the Biggest Morning Tea and, in doing so, raised $2,500 for the Cancer Council to sustain their research, support and prevention...
  • Taxation (1 speech)
    I am looking forward to the end of the financial year. I don't always look forward to the end of the financial year; I'm not that financially competent at the best of times in my own personal...
  • New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (1 speech)
    The member for Hawke might be frothing about his tax cut at the end of the financial year, but I've got a simple message for working Australians: Labor are coming for your ute and your family...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    About two weeks ago, Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivered the third budget of this government, and it was truly a Labor budget. The budget is focused on providing targeted cost-of-living relief,...
  • Australian Society (1 speech)
    'What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.' This is Hitchens's razor, created to refute religious dogma, and I bring it out again to dismiss the political...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    In life, if you can budget, it makes it a lot better. If you know what you're doing when you're running a household budget, it's so much better for your family. If you're running a country and...
  • Services Australia (1 speech)
    Australians are living through a cost-of-living crisis, and many need to seek help from Services Australia. But for too many, this has been a very bad experience. On the most recent published...
  • Budget (2 speeches)
    In my electorate of Hasluck, we hear the hollow sound of the opposition across the whole gamut of portfolio areas. We passed a fuel efficiency standard, the coalition opposed it. And all we heard...