Senate debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

  • Albanese Government (1 speech)
    Before Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joined thousands of his New South Wales electors at the Taylor Swift concert, he had a moment to drop in on Western Australia. In the 48 hours that he spent...
  • Public Sector Governance (1 speech)
    On Thursday of last week, I had the privilege of speaking at theMandarin conference on rebuilding trust in the Public Service. The Public Service is important to me and to the Australian people...
  • Pensions and Benefits (1 speech)
    At the recent estimates hearings, Services Australia had to—shockingly—admit that there are more than 1.1 million outstanding income support payment claims. They also admitted that it...
  • Medicare (1 speech)
    Very disturbing research was released over the course of the weekend with respect to the falling number of GP medical clinics offering bulk-billing to everyday Australians. Over the past 12...
  • Community Television (1 speech)
    Community television in South Australia and Victoria plays a fundamental role in our media landscape. During the pandemic it was there for South Australians, providing content, particularly...
  • Prime Minister, Taxation (10 speeches)
    In a speech earlier this year, I made the point that one can judge a man by the company he keeps. I observed that one of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's first orders of business was a private...
  • Bureau of Meteorology (1 speech)
    It wasn't that long ago I woke up on a Friday morning after a late night of estimates, only to have my wife text me to say that there would be some heavy weather coming into Brisbane because...
  • Taxation (1 speech)
    The Australian Labor Party, through the Albanese Labor government, is delivering tax cuts for hardworking Tasmanians. From Swansea to Smithton, Tasmanians will get to keep more of what they earn...
  • Tasmania State Election (3 speeches)
    The Tasmanian people are about to go back to the polls on 23 March after three years of unstable majority Liberal government. I want to address the elephant in the room here today. He's back!...
  • Melbourne City Council (1 speech)
    One of my councils in Melbourne—the Melbourne City Council—took time away from their usual responsibilities last week to debate a ceasefire in Gaza. I recognise that peace in the...
  • Northern Territory Government (1 speech)
    More than a year ago, alcohol bans in the Northern Territory lapsed and brought crime and terror to the streets of towns like my hometown of Alice Springs. The footage has been seen far and wide...
  • Tasmania: Launceston City Deal (1 speech)
    Launceston might be about to lose a $20 million cadet facility project, a project that has been in the pipeline for the past seven years. We will lose it because of bureaucracy and red tape. The...
  • Uluru Statement from the Heart: Treaty (1 speech)
    Treaty is off the table yet again and very few people have realised it, as this government is doing its best to cover up what is quickly becoming one of the biggest broken promises to First...
  • Ukraine (1 speech)
    Over the last couple of days, we've marked the second anniversary of the Ukraine war. Two years ago, war returned to Europe—a brutal, bloody type of war, the likes of which we had thought...
  • National Road Freighters Association (1 speech)
    On a brighter note, I want to share with the chamber a magnificent weekend I had two weekends ago. I was invited to the National Road Freighters Association annual conference down in Shepparton....