Senate debates

Thursday, 21 March 2024

  • Parkinson's Disease (1 speech)
    I rise to speak about Parkinson's disease, a progressive disease that affects movement and mood. While many of us have heard of Parkinson's disease and might know some of the symptoms, general...
  • Tasmania State Election (1 speech)
    It's been 10 long years and the Liberal state government hangs on by a thread in my home state of Tasmania. Tasmanians face a stark choice this Saturday: they can vote for a majority Labor...
  • Workplace Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault (1 speech)
    Today, I want to speak about a group of vulnerable, insecure workers who are standing up for their rights in South Australia. 'Perfection 12', as they are popularly known, is a group of very...
  • Banking and Financial Services (1 speech)
    Like our medical industry, our financial industry has been captured by the big end of town. Over the last 30 years we have seen thousands of bank branches closed and insurance services withdrawn,...
  • Tasmania: Health Care (1 speech)
    I worked on the Albanese government's health legislation amendment to remove the requirement for a collaborative arrangement, a barrier that prevents nurse practitioners and endorsed midwives...
  • Sport (1 speech)
    Australia is a sporting country. We are crazy about it. In fact, according to the ABS, 90 per cent of Australians have an interest in sport. Thirteen million adults and three million of our kids...
  • Western Australia Government, Gun Control (1 speech)
    The WA state government is not addressing the real issues affecting Western Australians. The Cook Labor government should be working on ensuring Western Australia is ready for AUKUS and preparing...
  • Parkinson's Disease (1 speech)
    Senator Askew and I are the co-chairs of the Parliamentary Friends of Parkinson's, and it is my great pleasure today to inform the Senate of some exciting developments with regard to Parkinson's...
  • Newroz, Bangladesh (1 speech)
    I'd like to wish everyone a peaceful and happy Newroz. Today we celebrate new light and spring with our Kurdish friends and family across Australia and the world. The Australian Democratic...
  • Science Meets Parliament (1 speech)
    It was a huge privilege to take part in this year's Science Meets Parliament event, and I'd like to give a big thank you to the team at Science and Technology Australia for organising what I...
  • Tasmania: Sport (1 speech)
    It has been a big week in Tasmania on the issue of not just the state election but, indeed, sport in Tasmania. After many a decade and efforts by many—on all sides of the political...
  • Immigration (1 speech)
    This morning Senator Hanson debated her bill to call a plebiscite on immigration and the resulting housing crisis, which is a human catastrophe. The bill was opposed by the Liberal Party, the...
  • Motor Neurone Disease (1 speech)
    A few years ago I lost my mum to motor neurone disease. It is a really insidious disease that affects your motor neurones that send signals to the rest of your body and, over a period of time,...
  • Remote Laundries (1 speech)
    Urgent action is needed to tackle Australia's biggest killer—heart disease. Cardiovascular disease is the underlying cause of one in four deaths in Australia and costs over $12.7 billion....
  • Workplace Relations: Mable (2 speeches)
    The government passed laws last year that mean we can finally look under the hood of private employers to see their progress in closing the gender pay gap. In late February we saw the first-ever...