Senate debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

  • Budget (1 speech)
    We know that Australians are doing it tough. The cost-of-living pressures have been mounting for years, and this is not a crisis that has suddenly emerged. It didn't just erupt in the last five...
  • People's Republic of China (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to speak about the revelation that six Australian members of parliament and senators, myself included, were personally targeted by a PRC state sponsored hacking group. As members...
  • Animal Welfare (1 speech)
    Indifference to the welfare of greyhounds is part and parcel of the racing and gambling industry. Across the country, we see deaths and injuries on and off tracks and exposure to cruel surgical...
  • Holocaust Remembrance Day, Antisemitism (2 speeches)
    In my hand, President, is a Jewish memorial candle, or, as it's called in Yiddish, a yahrzeit candle. It's usually lit on the anniversary of a loved one's passing, but, on Sunday 5 May, it was...
  • Antisemitism, Freedom of Speech (1 speech)
    I too rise to share the concern about the rise in antisemitism around the world, including here in Australia. I note, in the current context, where people are concerned about whether or not we're...
  • Middle East: Protests (1 speech)
    I too rise to speak about current events in Gaza and protests in our universities. Increasingly, we are seeing those who oppose the unfolding genocide in Gaza labelled antisemitic. There is no...