Senate debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

  • Environment (27 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for the Environment and Water, Senator Wong. The environment minister, Tanya Plibersek, has just approved Gina Rinehart's Queensland coal...
  • Budget (15 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. It's clear that helping Australians with the cost of living is the government's No. 1 priority, and I was pleased to...
  • Governor-General (8 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister for Finance, Senator Gallagher. Minister, if a salary rises from $495,000 to $719,000, what percentage increase is that?
  • Housing (8 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. Many Australians are looking to purchase first homes, and they are losing out under this government, with today's...
  • Defence Facilities: Chemical Contamination (8 speeches)
    My question is for the Minister representing the Minister for Health and Aged Care, Minister Gallagher. Due to the military base in Jervis Bay and the extensive firefighting training using...
  • Assange, Mr Julian Paul (8 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister Wong. The Albanese government has worked over the last two years to bring Julian Assange home, and I understand that Mr Assange is...
  • Renewable Energy (33 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. Minister, does the total cost of Labor's Powering Australia plan include the decommissioning of turbines, solar...