Senate debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Meeting (1 speech)
      If there is no objection, the meetings are authorised.
  • Business (0 speeches)
    • Consideration of Legislation (1 speech)
      I move: That general business order of the day No. 69, Competition and Consumer Amendment (Divestiture Powers) Bill 2024, be considered at the time for private senators' bills today. Question...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Statements by Senators (0 speeches)
    • Wages (3 speeches)
      Thank you, Deputy President, and a mighty job you've done today.
    • Cancer (1 speech)
      I rise today, on Rare Cancers Awareness Day, to speak to the Community Affairs References Committee report which was presented on Friday 17 May. The inquiry examined the equitable access to...
    • Cost of Living (1 speech)
      Each week, my office hears from members of the community who are experiencing deep hardship and frustration in many parts of Western Australia. In every part of our state, people are struggling...
    • Workplace Relations: Wilmar Sugar (1 speech)
      I'm very pleased today to rise in the Senate to talk about hardworking Queenslanders and their efforts to get increased pay rises in North Queensland—not just for themselves but to benefit...
    • Energy (1 speech)
      Just like all mothers, I want to know I'm doing the best I can to secure the best possible future for my children, my grandchildren and their children. I want to know that their energy source is...
    • Australian Defence Force (1 speech)
      Some commentators question whether we should have warriors in the Australian Defence Force. My answer to that question is emphatic: yes, we should. Australians ask the government to protect them...
    • Royal Australian Air Force: Bomber Command (1 speech)
      I welcome the recent announcement of the major new exhibition being planned for the Australian War Memorial which pays tribute to the unheralded role of the 10,000 Australian airmen who flew with...
    • Northern Territory: Malandarri Festival (1 speech)
      I'd like to share with the Senate a few events that have taken place in the Northern Territory over the few weeks since we last sat. One of the places that I'd like to speak about is my home...
    • Racism (1 speech)
      Thank you, Acting Deputy President O'Sullivan. I don't know about you, but I am sick of being told Australia is a racist country. Let me tell you, when it comes to the subject of racism in this...
    • Nuclear Energy (2 speeches)
      We have recently seen the opposition's announcement of their unicorn plan to establish nuclear reactors in communities right around Australia. They've always had this on their agenda, but they...
    • Cairns: Water (1 speech)
      What would you call a broken promise? Maybe you seek to deceive, to delude, to falsify, to mislead or to con? In April 2022 then Labor opposition leader Anthony Albanese visited Cairns during the...
    • Budget (1 speech)
      The first of July is an important day. From next week, people in my home state of Victoria will receive a raft of cost-of-living assistance implemented by the Albanese Labor government, starting...
    • Digital ID Bill 2024 (1 speech)
      Earlier this year, Labor rushed their Digital ID legislation through parliament without allowing for a proper, informed debate. In light of this manoeuvre, I am today introducing a bill to repeal...
    • First Nations Australians (1 speech)
      A treaty is a binding formal agreement, a contract or other written instrument that establishes obligations between two or more sovereign entities. A treaty can allow parties to come together and...
    • Women's Economic Security (1 speech)
      It's almost 1 July, which means real cost-of-living relief for all Australians, especially Australian women. Our government is putting women at the centre of our economic plan—women like...
    • Economy (2 speeches)
      The Reserve Bank has just announced the inflation rate for May as four per cent, which is above the expected rate of 3.8 per cent. What's even worse is that the underlying inflation rate, which...
    • Women (1 speech)
      The Albanese Labor government is putting women and gender equality at the heart of Australia's economic plan. We are committed to making women's lives safer and to getting a fairer economic deal...
    • Housing (1 speech)
      Every politician in this building, me included, is about to pocket another pay rise. This is being piled on top of already beyond-generous pay, and it's hard to stomach a pay increase when so...
    • Coalmining Industry (2 speeches)
      Last week, I drove out from Rockhampton to Emerald to attend the AG-Grow farm field days—wonderful days, wonderful events—out there. There's a lot of positivity around the farming...
    • Racism (1 speech)
      Australia is a great country, but I fear that we are degrading our standards very heavily. In the past few weeks, I've been very concerned about the dropping of our standards and the dropping of...
    • Cost of Living (1 speech)
      I want to inform the Senate of five things the Albanese Labor government will be doing in five days time to support Australians with the cost of living. On 1 July we're delivering more relief in...
    • James Boag Brewery (1 speech)
      The invisible line marked by James Boag Brewery and Cascade Brewery has divided the north and south of Tasmania for well over 150 years, but I can assure you it is fading. It's fading because...
    • Fraser, Mr Andrew Raymond Gordon, Cameron, Mr John, AM (1 speech)
      There are many big issues here today. On a bit of indulgence, I want to do some thanking. The New South Wales Nationals held their party conference in Wagga Wagga just last weekend, in the...
    • Energy (2 speeches)
      While the coalition has been chasing its nuclear unicorn, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union members working at Muja Power Station have been fighting for a just transition for nearly a...
    • Nuclear Energy (2 speeches)
      I did. It's good to beat Senator Watt—and we're going to beat him at the next election. The Labor Party have got one thing for the next election, and that is the great old scare campaign....
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Economy (19 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. Today's monthly inflation figures confirm what Australians have been feeling: after three Labor budgets, trimmed mean...
    • Taxation (10 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Prime Minister, Minister Wong. Can the minister please tell the Senate how Labor's tax cuts will assist all taxpayers, not just some, as was the...
    • Budget (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. Minister, last month you stated that the targeted cost-of-living measures announced in the budget are expected to...
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
    • Simms, Hon. Robert Andrew (1 speech)
      Senator Hanson-Young, before I call you, I will acknowledge the presence in the chamber of former Greens party senator Robert Simms. Welcome.
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Environment (27 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for the Environment and Water, Senator Wong. The environment minister, Tanya Plibersek, has just approved Gina Rinehart's Queensland coal...
    • Budget (15 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. It's clear that helping Australians with the cost of living is the government's No. 1 priority, and I was pleased to...
    • Governor-General (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Finance, Senator Gallagher. Minister, if a salary rises from $495,000 to $719,000, what percentage increase is that?
    • Housing (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. Many Australians are looking to purchase first homes, and they are losing out under this government, with today's...
    • Defence Facilities: Chemical Contamination (8 speeches)
      My question is for the Minister representing the Minister for Health and Aged Care, Minister Gallagher. Due to the military base in Jervis Bay and the extensive firefighting training using...
    • Assange, Mr Julian Paul (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister Wong. The Albanese government has worked over the last two years to bring Julian Assange home, and I understand that Mr Assange is...
    • Renewable Energy (33 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. Minister, does the total cost of Labor's Powering Australia plan include the decommissioning of turbines, solar...
  • Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers (0 speeches)
    • Answers To Questions (9 speeches)
      I move: That the Senate take note of answers given by ministers to questions without notice asked by coalition senators today. In so doing, I reflect upon the—I think we would have to...
    • Governor-General (1 speech)
      I move: That the Senate take note of the answer given by the Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher) to a question without notice I asked today regarding the incoming Governor-General's salary....
    • Environment (1 speech)
      I move: That the Senate take note of the answer given by the Minister representing the Minister for the Environment and Water (Senator Wong) to a question without notice I asked today relating to...
  • Notices (0 speeches)
    • Presentation (2 speeches)
      I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move: That the provisions of paragraphs (5) to (8) of standing order 111 not apply to the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment...
  • Business (0 speeches)
    • Consideration of Legislation (1 speech)
      I move: That general business order of the day No. 72, Commission of Inquiry into Antisemitism at Australian Universities Bill 2024, be considered at the time for private senators' bills...
  • Documents (0 speeches)
  • Bills (0 speeches)
    • Digital ID Repeal Bill 2024; First Reading (1 speech)
      I, and also on behalf of Senators Babet, Canavan, Hanson, Rennick and Roberts, move: That the following bill be introduced: A Bill for an Act to repeal the Digital IDAct 2024, and for related...
    • Digital ID Repeal Bill 2024; Second Reading (1 speech)
      I move: That this bill be now read a second time. I seek leave to table an explanatory memorandum relating to the bill. Leave granted. I table an explanatory memorandum and I seek leave to have...
  • Matters of Public Importance (0 speeches)
    • Labor Government (13 speeches)
      Senator Lambie has submitted a proposal: Pursuant to standing order 75, I give notice that today I propose to move "That, in the opinion of the Senate, the following is a matter of public...
  • Matters of Urgency (0 speeches)
    • Nuclear Energy (17 speeches)
      I inform the Senate that Senator Duniam has submitted a proposal: Pursuant to standing order 75, I give notice that today I propose to move "The need for the Senate to recognise and welcome the...
  • Auditor-General's Reports (0 speeches)
    • Report No. 48 of 2023-24; Consideration (2 speeches)
      I rise to speak on the Auditor-General's report No. 48 of 2023-24 and I move: That the Senate take note of the document. As a senator for South Australia, I'm interested in this document and in...
  • Committees (0 speeches)
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Delegation Reports (0 speeches)
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Delegation Reports (0 speeches)
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
    • McBride, Mr Vincent (1 speech)
      With the indulgence of the chamber, I'd like to acknowledge the presence in the chamber today of Vincent McBride, who is sitting in the advisers box. He's the grandson of the former member for...
  • Committees (0 speeches)
  • First Speech (0 speeches)
    • Hodgins-May, Senator Steph (5 speeches)
      Pursuant to order, I now call Senator Hodgins-May to make her first speech and ask that senators abide by the usual courtesies that are extended to new senators.
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Adjournment (0 speeches)
    • Nuclear Energy (1 speech)
      After 10 long years of the Liberals and Nationals, who had 22 energy policies when they were in government and couldn't land one, now Mr Dutton has tried to take us back to the 1950s. There's not...
    • Gender Dysphoria (1 speech)
      Today, in the 21st century, we look back with horror at many of the deadly dangerous medical practices of the past. Well, how do you think history will look back on young girls suffering...
    • Assange, Mr Julian Paul (1 speech)
      Senators, I literally got a text 30 seconds ago to tell me that Julian Assange has just landed at the airport in Canberra. Yes, it's a momentous moment. Perhaps I could start by acknowledging the...
    • Albanese Government (1 speech)
      I want to acknowledge the significance of the return of Mr Assange and how important people's care for this issue has been in achieving this. I also want to accept the praise of Senator...
    • Democracy (1 speech)
      On 26 June 1963, the United States President John F Kennedy said these immortal words: 'Ich bin ein Berliner.' Those words captured the essence of the middle of the Cold War, bookended by the...