Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

  • Snowy Hydro Project, Mining Industry (1 speech)
    I rise today to speak about two issues that are of concern to the productivity of this country. The first one regards the release of water from the Murray-Darling system and, in particular, the...
  • Early Childhood Education, Aged Care (1 speech)
    I'm a proud member of the Albanese Labor government because we care about Australian workers, and we keep delivering for them. I spoke to early childhood educators last week here in Canberra...
  • Gambling Advertising (2 speeches)
    Well, it's another day and another step backwards by the Labor government in tackling the problem of gambling and gambling advertising in this country. We've heard from the Labor Party's own...
  • Complete Care Pharmacy Rosny Park (1 speech)
    A couple of weeks ago my colleague Senator Anne Ruston came to Tasmania, and together she and I visited the Complete Care Pharmacy in Rosny Park. I wanted to share in the chamber today the...
  • Tibet (1 speech)
    I rise today to address a matter of profound significance: the ongoing Sino-Tibet conflict and its devastating impact on the Tibetan people. I acknowledge that in the building today there are...
  • Pellowe, Mr David (1 speech)
    In an alarming example of the growing threat to religious freedom in Australia, Dave Pellowe, a Christian minister, is facing legal action in the Queensland Human Rights Commission. The complaint...
  • Energy (1 speech)
    If you've been following the energy policy debate in this country, you would've had to be half asleep to have not regularly heard the words 'renewable energy is the cheapest form of...
  • Aged Care (1 speech)
    Today I stand not just as a representative of Western Australia but as a voice for our elderly, those who have given their lives to build our communities, raise our families and shape our future....
  • Missing and Murdered First Nations Women and Children (1 speech)
    I rise to make a short statement about the inquiry into missing and murdered First Nations women and children, which delivered its final report last week. Firstly, as I did in my speech last...
  • International Politics (1 speech)
    All around the Western world we see liberty's light being snuffed out, little by little, by Marxism. It suffocates what freedoms we have left. The thing is that this march of insanity could be...
  • Regis Resources (1 speech)
    Once more the radical Left tail is wagging this dog of a government as we see their radical Left agenda, their anti-resources agenda at play. And this time you don't have to take it from those on...
  • Aged Care (1 speech)
    I believe in a thing called love. There is no darkness in the story of Mark and Bev—a true love story. You've heard of The Notebook; however, this is a modern-day love story that is 87...
  • Pensions and Benefits (1 speech)
    At the last election, people had faith that Labor would bring in a new era of transparency. When they were in opposition, Labor MPs rallied against the secrecy of the Morrison government and its...
  • Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee (1 speech)
    Last week, I tabled the report of the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee into missing and murdered First Nations women and children. The issues dealt with within that inquiry...
  • Gender Equality (2 speeches)
    Today is Australia's Equal Pay Day. It takes 50 extra working days for Australian women to earn the same, on average, as men. The recent ABS data shows the gender pay gap is 11.5 per cent. It's a...