Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

  • Howe, Professor Joanna (1 speech)
    I rise to speak in relation to an extraordinarily disturbing article that appeared in the Australian this morning, which has brought to my attention a case where the University of Adelaide has...
  • Workplace Relations (1 speech)
    This coming Monday is a huge day for millions of Australian workers. From 26 August, key parts of the Australian Labor government's closing loopholes reforms come into effect. For the first time...
  • Cost of Living, Northern Territory Election, Gaza (1 speech)
    One in six children in Australia live in poverty. As a teacher, I saw the burden of this time and time again: kids going hungry at school; parents who didn't have the time to engage with their...
  • Audit, Assurance and Consultancy Industry (1 speech)
    It's a privilege to rise once again in this chamber and draw my fellow senators' attention to the egregious conduct of the consulting, auditing and accounting firm PwC, who not only enabled the...
  • Housing Australia Future Fund (1 speech)
    I'm grateful for the opportunity to put some remarks on the record today in relation to the Housing Australia Future Fund and in relation to the justification for the coalition putting forward...
  • National Security (1 speech)
    Two weeks ago, Australia's general terrorism threat level was raised to 'probable'. That means there is a greater than 50 per cent chance of an onshore attack or attack planning in the next 12...
  • Children's Book Week, Equal Pay Day (1 speech)
    I'm going to use my contribution on senators' statements today to talk about two recent events. The first is Children's Book Week, an annual initiative of the Children's Book Council of...
  • Electric Vehicles (1 speech)
    When the government brought in an FBT exemption for EVs, hydrogen fuel cell cars and plug-in hybrids, the intention was to drive up the take-up of low-emission cars. However, as a concession to...
  • Australian Human Rights Commission (1 speech)
    I have been asked to read from four heartbreaking resignation letters written by people who recently left the Australian Human Rights Commission. The AHRC is a crucial institution, but all...
  • Australian Capital Territory: Community Survey (2 speeches)
    As an Independent senator for the ACT, my job is to listen to my community and come into this place and act in their best interests. Recently, I sent a letter to ACT households asking what issues...
  • Taxation (1 speech)
    I want to talk today about the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024, a disallowance motion for which is currently before the Senate. A number of accountants, tax...
  • Women's Economic Security, Gender Equality (1 speech)
    This week, we marked Equal Pay Day. So it's perfect timing to reflect on the latest gender pay gap statistics and to introduce our legislation for super to be paid on paid parental leave. We are...
  • Domestic and Family Violence, Physical and Sexual Harassment and Violence (1 speech)
    Recently, thousands of people across the country came out on the streets, thanks to organisers What Were You Wearing? We came out to say, 'No more': 'no more' to gendered violence, 'no more' to...
  • United Nations Climate Change Conference: COP 29, Azerbaijan (1 speech)
    In just 82 days, world leaders will descend on Baku, Azerbaijan, to attend the global climate conference, COP 29. I have concerns that Azerbaijan is hosting this significant event. COP 29, like...
  • Forestry Industry (1 speech)
    I've spoken many times in this place about Australia's great timber industry. Yesterday marked National Forestry Day, so I wanted to celebrate the enormous environmental, economic and social...
  • Queensland: Education (1 speech)
    The Courier-Mail newspaper has today reported that at-home learning enrolments in Queensland have increased by 229 per cent in the past five years. Today there are 11,250 students being...
  • Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence (1 speech)
    I join with others in welcoming the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner's annual statement on the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children. In a nutshell, the...
  • Housing (1 speech)
    I want to talk about the great, big tax rort—the elephant in the room—disguised as a housing policy. Nowadays, the Australian dream of owning your own home is a distant fantasy and...
  • Watson, Mr Paul Franklin (1 speech)
    On 21 July, Captain Paul Watson, global iconic conservationist, was arrested by Danish authorities in Greenland. I want to update senators on developments since his arrest. This is, obviously, a...
  • Environment (1 speech)
    Like many Australians, I am alarmed by media reports that 'forever chemicals' have been discovered in our water supply. These chemicals—the presence of which water authorities had...
  • Member for Warringah (1 speech)
    The film Catch me if you can stars Leonardo DiCaprio, who plays Frank Abagnale, a master of disguise. As a master of disguise, he was able to con his way to millions of dollars, putting on the...
  • Tasmania: Book Week (1 speech)
    Firstly, a shout-out to Mount Nelson Primary School: hey! It's Book Week. This year's theme is Reading Is Magic. Reading can transport you to a different world, and that's magic happening right...
  • International Relations: Australian and Indonesia (1 speech)
    'Indonesia and Australia are destined to be close neighbours. We cannot choose our neighbours. Australia is Indonesia's closest friend.' These are the words of Indonesian President Joko Widodo in...
  • Minister for Education (1 speech)
    The federal education minister, Mr Clare, has demonstrated he cannot work constructively with even state Labor education ministers. This morning, state Labor education ministers—Prue Car...
  • Salmon Industry (1 speech)
    Today, I have the pleasure of hosting a delegation of Tasmanian workers and representatives of the Tasmania salmon industry, who are here with us in the gallery. Also with them is Alison Jarman,...
  • AgQuip Field Days (4 speeches)
    Given the impromptu two minutes, I've been going through social media, and all my New South Wales colleagues are up there at AgQuip—a great celebration of agriculture—
  • Live Animal Exports: Sheep (4 speeches)
    The Prime Minister can't help himself—