Senate debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

  • BHP: Brazil Mining Disaster (1 speech)
    For nine years, BHP and their joint venture partners Vale have carried out an underhand campaign to deny justice and fairness to hundreds of thousands of people. On 5 November 2015, a tailings...
  • Queensland: Community Events (1 speech)
    On a lighter note, I'd like to congratulate the Kenyan community in Queensland for putting on a fabulous football tournament on the weekend of 28 to 29 September. Teams representing the Kenyan...
  • Early Childhood Education, Youth Voice in Parliament Week (1 speech)
    Today, I'd like to speak about the slated closure of two community owned and loved high-quality childcare centres: Windsor Community Children's Centre and Gardiner Preschool. These centres are in...
  • Housing (1 speech)
    When Labor came to government at the last election, we inherited a housing crisis the likes of which Australia had not seen before. Not only were Australians on a modest income finding it...
  • Youth Voice in Parliament Week (2 speeches)
    This week marks Youth Voice in Parliament Week. This is a wonderful initiative aimed at providing the next generation with the opportunity to feel heard in their nation's parliament on the issues...
  • Australian Society (2 speeches)
    Australia is the best country in the world—our quality of life, the freedoms we hold dear, the opportunities to succeed regardless of our background, and the spirit of fairness. The fair go...
  • Economy (1 speech)
    I rise today to speak about monetary policy and the need to reform our monetary policy system. I will be presenting a number of new policies that I think are needed to reform our system. Let me...
  • World Egg Day (3 speeches)
    I'm really excited about the industry I'm celebrating today, so let's get cracking. This Friday, 11 October, is World Egg Day, and I'm giving a shout-out to our 'egg-ceptional' Australian egg...
  • First Nations Australians (1 speech)
    Today I wish to send a message of love and solidarity to First Nations women, girls, sister girls, brother boys and gender-diverse people who have been disappeared and murdered since the invasion...
  • Cost of Living (1 speech)
    Since the Albanese government came to power in 2022, our quality of life has taken an absolute battering. They promised us cheaper power bills, cheaper mortgages, transparency and accountability....
  • Parliamentary Representation (4 speeches)
    Here I am, colleagues, with five minutes of unlooked-for opportunity to reflect upon the conduct of the Senate this week. I'm not sure what was funnier: Senator Babet's predictably weird...
  • Bhutanese Australians (1 speech)
    Throughout the 1990s, the Bhutanese government expelled approximately 100,000 Bhutanese citizens of Nepalese descent who were Hindu people. In the wake of political and religious tensions, they...
  • Youth Voice in Parliament Week (2 speeches)
    I rise today to make a contribution on behalf of Callum and the Raise Our Voice campaign. I'll read some words from him: My name is Callum. I'm 17 years old and I'm living in the Nicholls...
  • North Stoneville (1 speech)
    REYNOLDS () (): Thank you. I rise today to stand with the people of the Perth Hills, who have been completely betrayed by this government in approving the North Stoneville development. Actions...
  • Youth Voice in Parliament Week (1 speech)
    I'm also rising in the Senate today to read out one of the Raise Our Voice in Parliament speeches. This speech is from Evelyn. She's 15 years old. She says: My name is Evelyn, I am 15, and I live...
  • United Nations Pact for the Future (1 speech)
    Last week the United Nations passed its Pact for the Future. Before the pact can come into effect in Australia, the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties has to do an inquiry, and then both houses...
  • Superannuation: Public Servants (1 speech)
    I rise today to call out the bureaucratic defined benefits scheme in Canberra, the federal bureaucratic defined pensions scheme. According to modelling from the finance department a few years...
  • Parliamentary Representation (1 speech)
    Australians are in the midst of many crises. We're being extorted by supermarkets, while the memory of the Australian dream of homeownership is increasingly distant. We have two major parties...
  • Youth Voice in Parliament Week (1 speech)
    I'm using my time today to read out a speech written by Rachael, a young person from a WA. Rachel submitted this speech to the Raise Our Voice campaign. They said: The past 8 years of my life...
  • Australian Broadcasting Corporation (1 speech)
    Can someone tell me again why Australian taxpayers fork out more than a billion dollars a year to fund the ABC? In this day and age of wall-to-wall information, surely the need for a national...
  • Global Care (1 speech)
    I'd like to acknowledge today the work done by Global Care in Wyoming, in my patron seat of Dobell, on the New South Wales Central Coast. They are providing affordable groceries to families in...
  • Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme (1 speech)
    The Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme, or TFES, reimburses businesses for shipping their goods across the Bass Strait. Don't get me wrong: many in my state think being separated from the...
  • Physical and Sexual Harassment and Violence (1 speech)
    Let's talk about the violence black women experience every day in this colony. Nowhere is this more clear than in the way police in this country treat black women. Police do not believe us when...
  • Western Australia: Road Infrastructure (1 speech)
    Those that have been in this place for a while have no doubt heard about the project in Western Australia called Roe 8 and Roe 9. The federal and WA Liberal team have been longstanding advocates...
  • Science (1 speech)
    Australia is home to world-leading scientists, innovators, researchers and educators—people who work tirelessly to achieve groundbreaking innovation and who inspire the next generation....
  • Parliament (3 speeches)
    I'd like to welcome the full gallery that we've got here. I know they're here for Senate question time, not because House of Reps question time happened earlier today. If you're a progressive...