House debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

  • Pacific Region (1 speech)
    Tomorrow I will have the distinct pleasure of launching the Asia-Pacific Development Diplomacy and Defence Dialogue's paper about the importance of youth, civil society and media in the Pacific....
  • Werriwa Electorate: Liverpool City Council (1 speech)
    Yesterday, Liverpool council's Liberal mayor and Liberal councillors reaffirmed their decision to dismiss the CEO, the Hon. John Ajaka. This decision follows a series of chaotic events which led...
  • Lindsay Electorate: Penrith Women's Health Centre (1 speech)
    Penrith Women's Health Centre recently found out that their MUSTER program's federal funding would not be renewed by the Albanese Labor government. They provide critical domestic violent support...
  • Refugees and Asylum Seekers (1 speech)
    Last week was National Refugee Week, a time to raise awareness of refugee issues and celebrate the rich contributions refugees make to Australia. My parents came here from Egypt 50 years ago....
  • Energy (1 speech)
    We are in the middle of the greatest economic transformation of our lifetimes. Businesses have made it clear that to unlock the tens of billions of dollars this country needs to transition to a...
  • Kenya (1 speech)
    I was alarmed and dismayed to see the reports this week of the storming of the Kenyan parliament by protesters. At least 23 people have lost their lives in the protests and scores more have been...
  • Tertiary Education (1 speech)
    The amount of student debt that is currently sitting in my electorate of Brisbane is $1.1 billion. This is a debt people are sitting on just for getting an education. When we're in the middle of...
  • Adelaide Fringe Festival (1 speech)
    Today I'm delighted to talk about the tremendous results released this week in the Adelaide Fringe Festival's Adelaide Fringe 2024 impactreport. As most people know, The Fringe is held in...
  • Cost of Living (2 speeches)
    Yesterday, Australia's inflation rate rose from 3.6 per cent to four per cent. I'm tired of Labor's self-aggrandisement, their reference to the fundamentals and an imagined, oft-repeated prospect...
  • Nuclear Energy (1 speech)
    Of the advice of two Homers, there's one that the Labor Party should have taken and the one that they did take. The Greek poet Homer said: 'Words empty as the wind are best left unsaid.'...
  • Hunter Electorate: Cost of Living (1 speech)
    I understand that times are tough at the moment for many. But, when I walk around the streets each and every day in my electorate, I know that the cost-of-living relief that is coming in four...
  • Energy (1 speech)
    Earlier this week the Prime Minister confirmed that Labor's energy policy is the Integrated System Plan. The very next day, that plan was released, and here's what it tells us. Firstly, the total...
  • Parramatta Electorate: Heritage Infrastructure (1 speech)
    As the second-oldest city in Australia, the history of Parramatta is also the history of our nation. Just north of Parramatta's CBD sits one of Australia's most significant heritage assets, the...
  • Casey Electorate: 2024 Casey Volunteer and Community Awards (1 speech)
    Volunteers are the backbone of Casey and are the glue that holds our community together. We are so fortunate to have such strong community spirit across the Yarra Ranges. The magnitude of their...
  • Cost of Living (3 speeches)
    This morning, the Liberal shadow minister for home affairs appeared on Sky News to discuss fiscal recklessness. Kudos to Sky News for getting him on, because I can't think of a more qualified...
  • Taxation (1 speech)
    Thank you, Deputy Speaker. You may not be deaf, but I think I am. Today is the last sitting day before the celebration of a new financial year, mainly by the accountants and tax professionals in...
  • Services Australia (1 speech)
    Labor's recent budget is inflationary and includes too much reckless and unnecessary spending, such as $24 billion on 36,000 additional public servants. Of those, 7½ thousand will be at...
  • Taxation (2 speeches)
    The Liberal Party is reckless and deceptive. They care little of the struggles of the working people of this country, and they seek to widen inequality and squander opportunity. Under their...